Really activity is very limited at this age -- changing diaper and feeding. LOL! You can hold her, sing to her, and take her for walks or wear her in sling or front pack. But that's about it. In another month or so you can start doing more stuff like tummy time, swing, play mat etc. But until 12 weeks it can be borderline as to whether any of those things are more stimulating than helpful. [ every kid is different though!]
You can absolutely do a pram nap if you like. A lot of moms use the cat nap towards the end of the day as their pram nap since it will most likely be a short one, so you don't have to worry about her waking when you stop your walk. If that's too late in the day for you, try a mid-day walk and see what happens. She may get used to it and nap quite well that way. some moms leave their LO in the pram after walk is done so as not to wake them. Of course, you can't just leave pram outside while you go in and do your stuff! LOL! But obviously put it in a place you can monitor sleep period.
It's going to depend a bit on her personality as to whether she'll nap in a pram or not. Touchies and sometimes spirited LOs can have a hard time napping that way. Touchies because they like everything *just so* and also because there's just so much to observe! Spirited can be so distracted by all the action going on around them that they don't want to miss out!
so, try it a few times and see what happens. Don't get frustrated if she short naps that way at first. Even though BW is all about routine, we also really stress discovering what works best for YOUR family. If getting out and having fresh air makes you a better mommy, then do your best to have LO's routine accomodate that. It may mean you do a short nap mid-day and then give a shorter A time to have long nap later in the day. Mom's mental health is more important than having baby nap in cot each and every time.