Author Topic: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????  (Read 8196 times)

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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2009, 13:37:58 pm »
Sorry to hear she is not doing too well.  Hope you get some good help from your doctor.  Perhaps ask him if it would make a difference if she was on Elecare or Neocate? 
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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2009, 15:58:39 pm »
Well, things are not good right now  :'(
Brought Grace Anne to her pediatrician yesterday, and her stool tested positive for microscopic blood. Not surprised... Pediatirician called the GI doc, and she thinks it's c. diff., so we have to wait a couple days for those results to come back. 2 months ago, DD was hospitalized (for allergy stuff) and while in the hospital tested positive for c. diff (which a bacterial infection, usually caused by antibiotics - which DD has never been on). It was explained to me at the time, that her testing positive did not necessarily explain what was going on with her - that often infants test positive without symptoms. Her endoscopy showed allergies, and that is when she was put on Nutra AA. However, she was treated for the c. diff, just to be safe i suppose.
Now, she doesn't even have diarreah (big c. diff symptom), but they are now seeming to focus on the c. diff. But i'm really feeling like this is an allergy again...
I'm just super frustrated bc all i can do is sit here and wait for the test to come back. In the meantime, continuing to feed her a formula she may be allergic to!
On top of it all, DH was sick last week, and now DD has a fever and is wheezing. Dr. seems to think she just caught what DH had, but who knows. It just complicates everything.
They've put her on florastor (probiotic), but it has lactose in it... I know lactose intolerance in infants is rare, but wouldn't you think we should be cautious considering her history?
Sorry for rambling. I'm just exhausted and frustrated and worried.  :'( :'( :'(
I feel like I kind of have to 'play the system' in order for DD to get the care she needs. But I'll tell you, there's nothing like a parent's intuition. That's been proved to me again and again.
I guess I just need any vibes anyone has, to make DD comfortable, and to make me a strong advocate for her.
thank you for listening  :-*


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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2009, 20:11:14 pm »
 :(  Huge huge ((((((HUGS)))))  I am SO sorry you and she are going through this.

First of all - YES, definitely trust your mama instinct, it is there for a reason, and it's the only reason I got anywhere w/Gwyneth's issues. 

Secondly - they have lactose free probiotics - I'm not a dr so don't take what I say too seriously, BUT, I would switch her immediately.  Do you have a Whole Foods near you (are you in the states?) or other natural foods store?  They should carry one. 

I hate how the dr's say - oh we'll let you know in "x" days or weeks and meanwhile 10 minutes is 9 minutes too long!! 

Sending you tons and tons and tons of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~feel better~~~~~~~~~~~~~vibes.  We're here with you.

Oh - the wheezing - that would concern me simply because it's a sypmtom of a severe allergy as well.  My dd2 never wheezed - but DD1 did when she had a terrible allergic reaction to peniciln.  So keep a very close on that.  And seriously - bug the hell out of the dr's if you need to.  I did (and do!) but I try to do it nicely but also very seriously since I speak for my child and know her best.

More (((hugs)))   :-* :-*

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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2009, 02:12:29 am »
I'm sorry I just got around to reading this post.  I really wish I had checked in sooner.  My ds has multiple food allergies and very inflamed intestines as a result of not knowing he was allergic (I was bf and he never had any outward reactions except and inability to poop by himself)  When we finally realized what we going on, the GI dr. gave us three sample formulas: Nut. AA, Elecare, and Neocate.  She said they were all the same and to just pick one.  We randomly chose Nut. AA and my ds got a bit better.  But then he started acting fussy again, got very gassy, and was slightly constipated.  We tried all sorts of stool softeners and probiotics and then finally just switched to Elecare.  Now things are much better.  I don't know if he was allergic to Nut. AA or if it somehow just didn't agree with his stomach but switching was definately the right thing to do for us.  Plus, Elecare is a lot less expensive!  So I would definately consider switching formulas and see if that helps anything.  I wish you the best of luck!  I know how frustrating it can be.  The dr. still doesn't know why my ds can't poop by himself and we are also waiting on some tests.  I hate waiting.  Hang in there and like others have said, trust your instincts.  You are the mom and are almost always right.  Good luck!

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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2009, 12:39:57 pm »
Tari, thank you so much!!! Your hugs and support mean so much to me!  :)

Mommyoflogan - thanks for sharing your experience. I've been doing a lot of reading, and it does seem like, for whatever reason, sometimes one elemental formula is tolerated better than another.

Brought DD to the dr. again yesterday and she's got croup. Explains the wheezing, barking, and fever. But i'm wondering - isn't croup sometimes connected to allergies? is it more like seasonal allergies?

I had a very candid talk w/ her pediatrician yesterday. Basically said, i didn't want to put her on the spot but what is her honest opinion about waiting for these c-diff. results.  I have a lot of respect for her. She does not pretend to be an expert on allergies or GI stuff. Does not just tell us what we want to hear, and often consults other drs. before advising us. Anyway, she basically expressed that she feels this is not the best way to go (following the c-diff. path). She said, we'll just wait for the results and then take the next step from there. But she urged me not to be scared to request the other GI dr. in the practice. Or to seek a 2nd opinion from a practice she strongly recommends in a town about an hour away. She also said she would put together some names and #s of allergists for us to seek out. So, it's one step at a time, but I feel encouraged that she and I are on the same wavelength, that she will support us.

My husband spoke with a nutritionist yesterday who also had some helpful advice about increasing flora, other probiotics (said exactly what you said, Tari!!!), etc.  If this LO ever gets the chance to start solids, we will be seeking the nutritionists advice again, bc they were very helpful, especially with more natural remedies and practices.

Anyway - rambling again!!! :P

Hopefully we find out about the c-diff. today, and then on with the next step!

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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2009, 14:09:50 pm »
Wow, sounds like you have an amazing doctor!  I love the support and help they are giving you!  My friend's daughter and son both had the croup and neither have allergies, so I'm not really sure if they are related or not.  Let us know if you get the test results back.  :)
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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2009, 13:20:35 pm »
I don't know much about Nutramigen AA but another mom on a reflux forum that I frequent said that her cousins son was on it and still having problems.  She read the can and it contains a lot of soy oil so this could be causing the problem. It also has MSG in it! The label "for MPI" (not MSPI). You might want to look into trying Neocate or Elecare and see if that helps.

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Re: Allergic to Nutramagin AA (similar to Neocate)??????
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2009, 13:36:32 pm »
Ah! It's been crazy here lately!!!  :P
Grace Anne seems to be getting over the croup, so that's good! She's feeling a little better.

She did test positive for C. Diff. ARGH! Talked to her ped. for a long time about it, and I can tell she feels it's not necessarily the problem. But, she wants us to treat it anyway. She was supposed to call in a perscription for Flagyl, but it didn't go thru for some reason, and we are again playing the waiting game.

I would just like to switch her formula and see if that helps! But, in our situation, we need a drs. Rx to do so.

Andrea - I'm shocked about the MSG  :o I started googling it, and just became horrified by what they put in formula. I think Neocate has it also, but not Elecare??? Just makes me so sad I wasn't able to keep breastfeeding  :'( I do miss it too.

Well, pediatrician will be calling the other GI dr. in the practice today, and should be calling me this afternoon. She was also calling a friend who is a GI this weekend to run Grace's case by her. Interested in what's happening next.

We have her 6 mos. check up tomorrow anyway, so....