Author Topic: What do you feed your 7mo?  (Read 1063 times)

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What do you feed your 7mo?
« on: March 26, 2009, 17:44:18 pm »
DS will be 7 months on Sunday and I'd like to expand his solid food options.  So far we've been mainly doing purees and rice cereal, which he is ok with (I wish he would eat more though).  He goes through phases where he's really into it and eats everything I give him, and others where he'll eat one or two bites and be done.  I don't think he particularly enjoys being fed, he'd probably rather feed himself.  I've also given him some toast, carrot sticks, cucumber stick, and baby biscuits.  Now that he's almost 7 months, I'm looking for some new ideas.  His doctor says he's almost ready for some meats. 

What did you feed your 7mo and how did you prepare it??
Also, how can I get him to eat more of his solids?  He breastfeeds well and I know that is more important than the solids, but at his last doctor's appointment he had hardly gained any weight and is a little on the skinny side. 

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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 20:24:15 pm »
My DS is just over 8 months and we are faced with the same thing - he seems to view eating as a waste of time - plenty of other things he'd rather be doing!!!  Some days I only get one or two teaspoons down him each feed!  We also have the problem of him not being as interesed in his bottle either so struggling with both!!!  YOU ARE NOT ALONE  :)
I got given Annabelle Karmels book which has some fantastic recipes - I've tried the bolognese (with mince) sauce and chicken, apple and sweet potato and on his good days he loves it!  My DS is the same though, he'd rather feed himself and as these are all fairly pureed this just ends up as one big mess!!!
Oh the joys of weaning!! :P
Hope things improve - would recommend her book for ideas.

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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 20:37:56 pm »
Thanks!  I'm glad it's not just me!  I wasn't worried about him not being as interested in solids until I found out he wasn't gaining weight.  Now DH and I are thinking, ok what can we do to get more food in him?  He BFs wonderfully, so he should be getting enough nutrition, but he's so small! 

Have you started finger foods yet??

I have some good recipe books, maybe I'll try some new stuff and see if he likes it.  Let me know if you find anything that works!
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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2009, 12:06:38 pm »
My DS hasn't put on any weight in the last three months but my HV said she's never known a baby to starve themselves and he's obviously taking what he needs - evidently they can go two lines up or down on the growth chart before you need to start worrying.  Also, he's a lot more active - bouncing, attempting to crawl, rolling, standing with help - so the HV said it's expected that he won't put as much weight on as he's expelling a lot more energy therefore burning more food!!  (Made me feel better anyway!)  :P
As for finger foods, we've been experimenting with steamed veges, toast, rice crackers which he seems to enjoy - he doesn't always eat/swallow but does take some of it in - figure at least he's practicing.  Am going to experiment with some vege pancakes (got off a Mum from this site) and chicken balls (an Annabel recipe) and see how he goes - figure if he eats at least one homemade pot of pureed food and then some of these finger foods he'll be doing okay.
Hope things get better for you.  Know that this site has helped me keep my sanity when I thought it was only happening to me!!  Good luck and let's hope it gets easier for both of us! :)

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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 12:44:50 pm »
At about 7 months I started moving away from pureed foods (ie/ blended with the hand mixer) and instead just using a fork or potato masher and mashing foods, so they were a bit lumpier.  I still stuck to fruit and veg, only adding bits of chicken mushed into a fruit or veg when DS was a week shy of 8 months.

Aside from the "regular" fruits and veg, DS ate:

Sweet potato mixed with peas and a spoonful of pureed leek went over really well.  Sometimes a spoonful of orange juice added as well. 
Dried apricots (sulphite-free, boiled til soft and pureed, mashing isnt' enough for these).
Blueberries and banana
Avocado and anything
Parsnip and peas
Banana and plum

Instead of adding a lot of new foods, I just upped the amount he was getting. So at 6 months it may have been 1oz of apple, at 7 months it was 1oz apple and 1 oz pear, moving into the 3oz per meal, often 1 oz of three foods, sometimes just two foods but more of them.

If you can deal with mess, what I often did was put a spoonful or two of the mushy foods on DS's highchair tray and let him smear his hands in it, pick it up and squeeze it through his fingers and what not. It gave him something to do while I was feeding him. I've also always kept toys on his highchair tray (we have one sticky one with a suction cup that stands up and he can bat around), because I often find that it's not that he's done eating, just that he's bored of sitting still - eating isn't "fun" enough for him.  Sometimes when he's really fussy and done with eating, I pick him up and sit him on my hip and offer him another bite - amazing that he'll often eat another 6 or 7 bites this way when he was as good as DONE while in his highchair.

I also think that at 7 months or so, weight gain slows down a bit. And, fruits and veg aren't really that calorie-laden, and are virtually fat free, so they won't really add any extra fat to him. If he's on the skinny side, it could be his nature, especially if you and your DH are lean.  I also find that no one ever takes height into account when they weigh babies - my DS is on the 50th percentile for weight, but the 98th for height - so they oohhh and ahhhh about how his weight is "perfect" but you can guarantee that if he was on the 15th percentile for weight and the 50th for height they'd be telling me he's too thin! 

We still haven't started finger foods - DS just will NOT take to them.  Offer him a new plastic block he's never seen and he'll squeal and put it right in his mouth. Offer him a soft cooked carrot and looks as if I'm from another planet, takes it timidly from me and holds it to his mouth with a look of disgust before sucking on it for a second and tossing it on the floor.  ::)

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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2009, 02:54:56 am »
Hello! Martina, you're definitely not alone. My DS has been eating solids for about a month now and I also don't think he enjoys it as much as I'd like..he starts off eating really well but then his attention is everywhere else and I think he gets bored and wants to get out of the high chair. I was actually going to post this very same question since my lo is also approaching 7 months soon.

Mashimaro, thanks for posting your response. That was very helpful. My question is how many times a day do you feed solids (at 6.5 months) and how many ounces each feed? Or do I just follow my DS and stop feeding when he seems full? My DS is ebf and is in the 65th percentile for both weight and height so he's growing pretty well. I just don't think I'm offering him enough solids. I only give him 1 oz of purees, 3 times a day... should I up the amount?
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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2009, 08:22:24 am »
At 6.5 months, I was still just offering them once per day.  I made up my food and stored them in one-ounce pots, and rarely did he eat the entire ounce. It wasn't until he got used to the idea of eating, taking the full ounce, that I upped the offering to two-times per day.  At this age your LO is only taking solids for the "idea" of it - to get used to taking something from a spoon, the iea that eating means using his tongue to push mushy stuff through his mouth rather than sucking from a nipple, etc.  It was about a week before he turned 7 months I added lunch, and did the same - one ounce at lunch and one ounce at bkfst. Then I upped each of these to two ounces.  About a week before he turned 8 months I offered dinner, and by this time he was on average, taking 1.5 to 2 ounces at each meal, three times per day. 

Just go slowly, at this age there is no such thing as not enough solid food - your LO is still getting everything he needs from milk, and solids are just a learning process.  Over the next couple of months experiment with timing, tastes, textures, etc.  Don't worry so much if he misses a meal, as his milk his what fills him up.

Honestly, go back through the board and read all of my posts begging for someone to spell it out for me - I was convinced that every other mother knew something that I didn't! People kept telling me not to stress, that it would work out on its own and that I would somehow figure out what to do, and I kept thinking everyone was wrong, and that I'd never understand! But, really, it DID just fall into place! 

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Re: What do you feed your 7mo?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2009, 15:36:17 pm »
Thanks for clarifying that. :) Makes a lot of sense. Actually thats what I thought. I figured he was getting all that he needed from my bm but I also heard that at this age they start requiring more calories so I just wanted to make sure I was 'filling' him up and that he was satisfied I guess... I was worried that he would be hungrier now that he's 6 months. But I guess you're right, at this age solids are more for getting him used to eating. I actually started solids right before he turned 6 months so he has a really good hang of it already. The only thing that confused me was when to 'stop' feeding him! LOL. Even though his attention is everywhere else, if I kept putting the spoon to his mouth, he would always open up and eat it so I never know when he's full. This morning for breakfast (after bf'ing) I upped the amount to 2 ounces of fruit puree and he ate the whole thing! And probably would've kept eating if I kept giving it. LOL
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