DD was EBM until @ 12 wko when we introduced a bottle - she refused point blank to take it - she acted as if we were feeding her battery acid and screamed every time we put the teat in front of her mouth - it didn't matter whether it was me or DP that tried.
In the end my Mum came to stay with us and she was the one that got LO to accept the bottle - I made sure I wasn't in the room and Mum gave her a bottle as a DF - she only took 2oz - but she took it.
The next day Mum gave her another bottle (once again without me being in the room) and this time she drained the bottle - minx
. I then gave her the DF and she took it from me. DD is not the greatest feeder (she takes @ 2-4ox each feed) but she is now totally bottle fed
I found LO likes the MAM bottles ( they do great ones in girly pink!)
I think the best advice I can give is try to get Nanna / sister/ friend to introduce the bottle, ensure LO cannot see (or more importantly smell ) you close by, experiment with teats and temperature of milk
Good luck Hun, hope all goes well