Hi there. My lo is 18 months old and in the past several days he has not been napping. He has always been a routine boy, and he did the 2-1 switch around 14 months. He has usually taken about a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon from about 12-3. He wakes in the morning about 7am. Our routine looks like this.
7am wake bottle
8 breakfast
11:30/12 lunch
12/12:30 nap
3:30 wake small snack
6:00 dinner
7:30 bottle/bath/bed usually in the bed for sleep by 7:30
Now he seems to not be napping in the afternoon, and by 5:30 he is really cranky, and will not eat dinner. Any thoughts on what is going on?? Yes he has five teeth coming in at the same time, but he IS sleeping well at night, thankful for that!!
Oh, like right now, he has been up in his bed since about 12:30 and he is still up there playing. (it is now 2pm)