My baby is 4 months old today. Two weeks ago he wasn't making it even 2 hours between feeds (EBF) and I talked to the nurse and we agreed to start rice cereal. Well, he wasn't eating much of it at all. In fact, he doesn't want it more often than not. Somedays he'd eat 2 tablespoons of cereal made with an oz of formula but mostly he'd barely get in a few bites. I tried adding pears a few days ago and it hasn't gotten any better. I really think that it was too early and that he was in a growth spurt and not quite ready to start solids. He's been constipated and waking more at night from, I think, a tummy ache. I haven't given him any cereal today (and if you count that he didn't eat it even when offered yesterday) and he's a much happier baby.
So, I'm going to hold off giving him anymore for a month or so. Is that bad to start then stop?
DS 1 took to solids like a fish to water at this same age, but DS 2...not so much