Author Topic: Too early to drop the df?  (Read 859 times)

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Too early to drop the df?
« on: April 17, 2009, 10:13:38 am »
 DS is 4.5 mos old now and we to the DF at about 11pm every night. He takes about 4oz sometimes a wee bit more sometimes less.

The thing is the 1st feed of the day he is not interested in food at all. I have to struggle to get 3 or 4oz into him. Is it normal that some babies are not that keen on eating in the morning or could it be the DF?

 One night a few weeks ago DH set his alarm to do the df but fell back asleep, he woke at 3.30am in a panic and fed him in his sleep. I told him not to bother and that ds would just wake of he was hungry but he wanted to do it anyways, I hve always wondered sonce then if he could manage it. I know that everyone is going to say all you can do is try it but i have the fear!!!!!!  ;)

  Is 4.5 mos too young to be going straight through?  ???

Offline Barbaara

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Re: Too early to drop the df?
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2009, 12:55:09 pm »
My DD will be 4.5 mo next week and I still DF.  She also doesn't eat that much in the morning.  At first I worried about that, but since she's putting on weight, looks happy and can last 4h between feeds I try to let it go.  If she's hungry she'll eat more I'm sure.

I've wondered about when to drop the DF as well.   :-\ Tracy suggests doing it around 7 months right?  Our plan is to keep offering it until she starts taking less and less.  At least that's what we hope is going to happen!  :)

I'm curious what other people will have to say about this.

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Offline mokey_cat

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Re: Too early to drop the df?
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 13:16:40 pm »

We actually just dropped the DF 2 weeks or so ago - so DD would have been about the same age as your LO.  I was REALLY worried about dropping it but she was only taking 4-5oz and always being sick so I thought I would give it ago and she never woke!!  I was really surprised and it actually helped with NW's - she started sttn regularly from about the time we dropped the DF.  I increased her milk during the day (so added an oz to each bottle) - she now has four 8oz bottles rather than four 7oz + 4oz DF so is not getting any less calories but it does seem a long time for her to go with no food but I am sure she would let me know if she was hungry!!  :P.

I would honestly try it - if it goes wrong, you can go back to doing the DF the next night  :P

Good luck!!

Offline ~Emma~

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Re: Too early to drop the df?
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2009, 17:11:21 pm »
I really want to give it a whirl but you know how it get a good thing going (he sttn) and you dont want to jeopardise it!