Hi Michelle!
Don't worry....Hope you were on a great vacation.
Things really changed from when I posted the first time, so I decided to start a new topic (
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=148997.0), where Jenn@ gave me something to think about concerning the medication we are giving to Ricky.
We still have some problems and I have to admit that our 5 days vacation didn't really help...When we got back we experienced a kind of regression, despite the fact that during the 5 days away things ran great.
Now we have an average of 2-3 NWs (but the first ones are quite easy to handle, even if we would love to cut them..) and very very EARLY WAKINGS, usually around 5 am. The problem is that during the day he is so tired and he needs energy (he goes to nursery school).
Some moms suggested me to try with an earlier bedtime, so I started to anticipate his bedtime (usually 8 pm), but it's just two days...
Anyway, I make a summary of the last 2 nights:
7.30 pm ASLEEP IN BED (no problems, he was tired)
11.00 am FIRST NW (just went in, gave him paci back and he fell back asleep)
4.40 am SECOND NW (same as first one, but he was more awaken and I found him standing in his cot crying when I got in)
5.00 am WAKE UP (1 hour WI/WO, but didn't get back to sleep)
6.00 am DAY BEGAN (milk, changing and so on...)
During the morning he was really in need of sleep (almost fell asleep on our way to school), but didn't want to nap at school, fell asleep during lunch and napped till 3.30. Then fell asleep again at 4.15 in the car on our way back home and napped other 45 minutes till I picked him up (I was afraid it was not helpful to let him sleep too much at that hour of the day). Obviously he continued to be very tired, fussy and irritable.
7.20 pm ASLEEP IN BED (no problems at all, he was really really tired)
2.00 am FIRST and only NW - very lucky us! (just went in, gave him paci back and he fell back asleep)
5.00 am WAKE UP (1 hour WI/WO, not much crying but so much moaning and screaming calling for someone; he was very tired
but still didn't get back to sleep)
6.00 am DAY BEGAN (milk, changing and so on...) and he was already tired.
Since I have noticed that the EW is kind of habitual (around 5 am) I definetely could try with W2S. According to your experience, how should I do it? Going to him and really wake him up? And how much time before usual EW?
Thaks for support.
Lots of Hugs