Hi all,
I'm having a major trouble with my son. He's just over 22 months old and has been a good sleeper ever since he was a baby. Up until two days ago I'd be able to put him into his cot and he'd fall asleep instantly, without any sort of problems. But suddenly that changed two days ago, and I was so stunned that I kept him at home the day after and thought he was ill. He started crying as soon as I put him into the cot, and not just crying, it was more like desperate crying. He only stopped when I picked him up (but every time I moved he thought I was on my way to put him back into the cot). He did the same when I put him down for a nap during the day, and that's when I realised that he wasn't ill since he'd been fine the whole morning. Then this happened again last night, he cried (clinging to the bars) until he was allowed to fall asleep on the sofa (something he'd never done before), then he was put back into his bed and he woke up two hours later, same crying, and we put him on the sofa again and moved him back to his cot when he fell asleep. Then around 1 he woke up again and he ended up in our bed (something he never gets to do unless he's very ill, and something he really hasn't saught much after in the past). He was fine in our bed, so this is definitely not illness.
It can't be teething since he has all of his teeth now that's he's supposed to have around 2. He's a very calm and nice little boy, has a twin brother who sleeps in a different room, but nothing has changed between the two recently (still teasing each other and pushing each other), and he seems generally happy during the day.
I thought he might be scared of something in the room, so I removed teddies and such, everything with a face really, but it made no difference.
I honestly don't know what to do or what can be wrong. Does anyone have a clue?