How do I describe her day?? Mainly we are at home, often go for a walk, plenty of outside play (loves being with chickens), some helping mum - make bread, cook, clean etc, plenty of independent play (she is great at doing her own thing when I put baby to bed or do w2s) - no tv or radio or computer.
After lunch Susan has a bottle and book with me then rest time. Sometimes she sleeps (2 hrs) more often not now and she plays in her room.
Bed time routine is after dinner have a bottle of milk, then story (an interactive "wormy" story with dad), teeth, nappy and pjs dad says goodnight, then I do prayer and song say goodnight and leave (baby joins in if he's still up). Sometimes parts of the process are interupted as she helps or watches while baby has bath and changes. Bed time we aim for 7pm, but if she doesn't sleep in day try earlier (6:30 - 7pm), if she does sleep in day more 7 - 8pm. She falls asleep alone - almost immedidately if she hasn't slept, longer otherwise. We are planning to stop getting milk and put herb tea in her bottle next week with the hopes that she will not want it anymore and then we'll give her a bath in the evening instead.
Although she still sleeps in the day sometimes, I don't think this is contributing, as she has always woken through the night many times. The main difference is getting to sleep takes longer initially if she has a nap.