Author Topic: Back again.....things are not getting any better!  (Read 6044 times)

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #75 on: April 12, 2009, 01:12:32 am »
 :-\ So, unexpected visitors or doorbell...we can't do much to avoid them!! ;D

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #76 on: April 13, 2009, 00:57:24 am »
Oh my, wait till you hear this.....
So, last night, we left my grandmother's house after having dinner with her and my lo screamed the whole way home in the car.  Fortunately, it is only a 15 minute ride!  ;)  He wasn't real happy while we were there either and we just figured it was because he didn't like being passed around.  He is absolutely a mama's boy and isn't too comfortable with a whole bunch of people oohing and aahing over him.  So, anyway, we got home, settled him down and put him to bed.  However, within just a few minutes, he was screaming again.  The poor guy cried off and on (mostly on!) from 6:30 p.m. until 10:30 p.m.  We tried everything to get him to settle down and go to sleep, but it took dh walking around the house with him to finally get him to fall asleep and stay asleep.  This morning, he wasn't too interested in eating and kept making the "pushing face" like he was trying to go to the bathroom, but no luck.  So we figured he must have been having belly pains last night and later in the day, after some pears  :), he finally found some relief.  Oh, the poor little man was a mess!  We were ready to take him to the emergency room because we just couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.  Fortunately, it all worked out and he is fine today.  He took two good naps, which he definitely needed.  He was playing on our bedroom floor this morning and ended up falling asleep right there.  Tonight, he went to bed peacefully although he wasn't much into the bottle again, so hopefully he'll sleep okay.  Hope you had a great weekend.

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2009, 13:55:37 pm »
Poor little guy!! Those pears.... It's great that he found some releif and that today he had a better day and night!!  :-* :-*

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #78 on: April 23, 2009, 19:10:50 pm »
I'm baaaack!!!!!!!  Things have been going really well, but over the last several days, my lo has had consistent EW's and today, his naps have been a mess.  He is up every morning around 5:45 now (used to be 6:15/6:30).  His naps have been 9:30 - 11:15 and 2:30 - 4:00  ;D ;D ;D ;D, but today, both naps were short, probably due to being OT from the number of EW's, but I'm not sure.  Any thoughts on why he is waking so early? 

One thing I have been wondering about is his comfort while sleeping.  He still sleeps on his back and we still use a sleep positioner because #1. he only rolls back to tummy and then cries because he's "stuck" and #2. he has reflux, so his crib is elevated and the positioner helps to keep him from slip-sliding away.  However, recently, I find him sideways in his crib, sleep positioner and all, every morning.  I usually check on him in the middle of the night and he is sideways then too, so I move him at that point, but he does it all over again.  He has always slept on his side for naps, so the positioner definitely helps then.  Last week, I tried not using it at night, but because of the mattress elevation, it didn't go so well and he was up a lot.  I'm wondering if we should just try dropping the mattress because he isn't spitting up nearly as much as he used to.  Although I also worry that getting rid of the positioner will mean we'll be up a lot throughout the night because he'll get "stuck" when he rolls.  Any thoughts?

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #79 on: April 24, 2009, 16:30:19 pm »
Hi there!! May be your lo needs more A time before going to bed? That usually happens when they are ready for more A time in the day.  Is he waking up at 6 am ready to start the day? Or does he cry?

Could you post your routine?

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #80 on: April 24, 2009, 19:01:45 pm »
He wakes up crying and cries off and on until I go in to get him at 6:30.

His days had been looking like this until just recently:

wake 6:15
E 6:30
solids 7:00
S 9:30 - 11:15 (I wake him if he's not already up.)
E 11:30
solids 12:00
S 2:30 - 4:00
E 4:00
solids 5:00
E 6:15ish
S 6:50 (asleep by 7:00)

His last A time is definitely the shortest, but I don't know what else to do because I don't want to compromise the amount of nighttime sleep that he gets.

BTW, I did put his mattress down flat last night and he did fine with that.  I kept the sleep positioner in though.

I am going to be away this weekend which is the first time I've left my lo for an extended amount of time and I'm nervous about how he's going to be for dh since his sleep has been wonky throughout the week.  :-\

Here's a thought....Maybe I could wake him from his AM nap at 11:00 rather than 11:15 and put him down for his PM nap at 2:15 rather than 2:30 and wake him at 3:45.  Then he would get 2-1.5 hr. naps and have 3 hrs. 15 mins. of A time for each A period.   ??? ??? ???

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2009, 23:34:59 pm »
That sounds like a great idea!!

If your lo is sleeping 11 - 11.5 hrs in the night, then technically that is not considered an EW! He is getting enough amount of night sleep.  I think that reducing his am nap is a great idea, in fact I think your lo is getting a lot of daysleep (3.5 hrs) and that's why he doesn't need more than 11.5 hrs a nigth! 

How did your weekend go? I hope you enjoyed it!

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #82 on: April 28, 2009, 14:07:01 pm »
Oh, I thought he should be getting more like 12 hours of nighttime sleep.

He was up again at 5:25 this morning.  I have been chatting with some ladies on the NW board and posted his routine to see if they might have some ideas, but thought I'd ask you as well, if you don't mind.  Here is what the past few days have been looking like since we changed the naps a bit:

wake 5:20-5:45
E 6:30 (6 oz. bottle)
solids 7:00
S 9:30 - 11:00
E 11:30 (6 oz. bottle)
solids 12:00
S 2:15 - 3:35/3:40
E 4:00 (6 oz. bottle)
solids 5:00
E 6:15ish (6 oz. bottle)
S 7:00 (in bed by 6:50)

Any thoughts on the EW?

My weekend away was nice, thanks.  I definitely missed the boys, but I think it was good to get away for a bit.

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #83 on: April 28, 2009, 21:15:13 pm »
I'm glad you're back!!

Do you wake him up from the am nap or the pm nap or does he wake up by himself?

I don't want to give you any contradictory advice from the NWs board! So, if you have already asked this question over there, then, I can jump in the other thread and help you out over there.  If I give you some advice over here, so may get the same thing over there, or you may get something different, so I prefer to jump in the other one! What do you think? Can you post the link of the other thread so I can take a look and help you out?

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #84 on: April 28, 2009, 23:03:54 pm »
Sure, that's fine.

Will this work?;topicseen

I usually end up waking him although not always from the PM nap.  I have found that if I don't wake him from the AM nap especially, his PM nap is really short and he's miserable in the afternoon/evening because of the short 2nd nap.

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #85 on: April 28, 2009, 23:23:52 pm »
I've posted there!! I hope it helps!! :-* :-*

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #86 on: May 18, 2009, 11:20:41 am »
Hey, Alexa!  Hope you are doing well.  I was wondering if you could jump into another post for me.  I have posted on the "getting back on track" board and have had a few people jump in because they are experiencing the same problems, but haven't received any advice yet and I wondered if you might have some thoughts to share with us.  THANKS!!!!!!!!!!   ;D

Offline yellow rose

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Re: Back again.....things are not getting any better!
« Reply #88 on: May 18, 2009, 18:13:51 pm »
I'll take a look later today!! I've got to run now!
Sure I¡ll jump in!