Hi, I know I too hate reverting back to the old ways - this is what I did.
I let my LO have an AM nap of just 20mins - this included the time it took him to fall asleep - normally in the AM though he is out quickly! I would then lift him and have him back in bed again 2 hours later. I would also give him his lunch before this nap.
If your LO wakes at 5.15am what time do you lift her? I try and leave my LO as long as possible and then do not begin to count the A time until I lift him.
So if I lifted him at say 6.30am I would let him have a 20min nap at 10.30am. I would lift him at 10.50 am and then back in bed again at 12.50am.
You said in your post that your LO slept for an hour in the AM. This is too long when trying to transition to 2 naps and if you LO sleeps for this length of time in the morning they will probably not take a PM nap.
What time did you put your LO to bed at today? an early bed time almost always prevents OT creeping in.
xxx I know this is hard. But this is a huge transition and once you get there it is so worth it! I love having the mornings to do things and the afternoons, and a nice long nap during lunch time when I can recharge my batteries oh and do my Wii fit