Hi there
My 18 month old has a lot of hair, always has done. And she
hates having it washed, always has done. I started swimming lessons with her recently and she was very nervous but is definitely improving but since then the hair washing thing has got worse and worse. In the class we do 'ready steady go' and with the more confident children they dip under water but with dd I just trickle water over her head. The swimming teacher suggested doing this in the bath, but the anticipation of it I think has just made it worse.
So (and I have to take a deep breath here and be honest about what happened) yesterday I tried a new tactic. My mum suggested leaning her over and wetting her hair so she's facing down (as I find it difficult to get her to look up to keep the soap out of her eyes), which is what she used to do with me and my sis. We don't have a big bath, I still bathe her in a baby bath, so I leaned her over the shower cubicle and got a gentle flow of water from the shower head and leaned her over. She totally freaked - it was only when I had the shampoo on her head (her hair really needed washing, it was over a week and had food and sand in it!) I realised the water was cold. So I rinsed it with warm water, but it was awful. She was very upset.
I felt absolutely horrendous about it and full of guilt that I have traumatised her even further and made the whole thing worse. To make matters worse today I spoke to a friend who has an older daughter who said that I shouldn't have forced the matter, in fact she said something along the lines that I shouldn't get angry and force my daughter to do things against her will.
I am having a major mum ability wobble today. I have never got angry with dd,
never. But I have continued to wash her hair, even when I know she doesn't want to. Tonight she refused to get into the bath altogether. She's done this before, and some times I have accepted that and others said no you're having a bath and done 'one two three' and got her in, after a few seconds she's fine. But my confidence is shaken now, as I'm sure hers is, and I'm a bit at sea as to where to go from here.
I think I have really broken her trust and I'm worried I've traumatised her for I don't know how long. I really need some advice. Any hair washing tips would be great (she hates anything on her head, including those lampshade things that stop the soap from getting in their eyes, in fact she freaks if she sees me pick it up). But also more generally do I pursue getting her in the water/washing her hair, or do I accept what she's saying to me and not put her in the bath/wash her hair if she says she doesn't want to. Do we just put up with dirty hair for a while? should we cut off all her hair?! or is all that just delaying the inevitable that we have to deal with? How do I rebuild her trust?
Feeling miserable about the whole thing at the moment. Otherwise everything is great and we get on fantastically. Amazing these curveballs being a parent can throw you...
Thanks, sorry about the ramble x