Hello, our problems have started up again
I have been attributing them to teething, one came through about 2 weeks ago & it seems there have been another 2 waiting to come out since then, I can see them. Her sleep has been very up & down since then. Several nights she has fought going down to bed & she has had some lengthy nws. I start to feel bad letting her cry, so I started taking her out & nursing her. Now she will just lay there in bed with her eyes wide open until I finally rock her. The longest she has layed there was 1.5 hrs. She is becoming ot which I am sure is making the situation worse. She is starting to wake more & more in the night again, and I am not sure if she is in pain or if she is taking advantage of the situation. I know when these teeth come through I will have a few nights filled with crying. I am not sure how to handle the situation, it's been going on for a while now, and these aren't even her canines or molars yet!! I am giving her Motrin, oragel, & teething tablets before bed & at wakings (if time appropriate).
Here is her schedule:
Wake-7:30-8:00 (after having about 10/10.5 hrs night sleep)
Nap- 12:30/1:00-2+ hrs -we usualy have about 5-5.5 hrs on either side of the nap
bed-7:30-8 (a few 8:30's since fighting going to sleep)
She is 16.5 months old, thanks all.