I am back again with a couple of questions about my DS again!! I had some great help from Katt and Lizzie a few weeks ago, and since then we have been on a bit of a rollercoaster with sleep. Sometimes he sleeps through and then we go back to NWs and EWs again and short naps. Last week he was on a good routine for 4 days and then it went to pot when he got a cold (at least, I think that's what has disturbed the sleep). Those 4 good days and nights looked like this (with a little variation in each day):
5.30am wake
10.30 am - 12.30pm nap
6.30pm asleep for the night
So he was having about 11 hrs at night and about 2hrs for nap.
Is this complete coincidence that he did this for 4 days and nights in a row, or would you say this is probably a good routine for him? I am having such trouble getting him back on a routine like this now that his cold is gone.
Also when his sleep goes all over the place, he starts taking longer to fall asleep. If he is OT he can take up to 60mins to fall asleep. Somtimes though he takes 90 mins and then will still do a short sleep and I thought it was because he was UT and then played through his tiredness, but now I'm not so sure. Can they take such a long time to fall asleep if they are OT?
I hope someone thinks that he probably was on a good routine and it wasn't coincidence as I'm really getting fed up with always seeming to have to play catch up with his sleep! I am on anti-depressants b/c it worries me so much and I just wish I could get him on a routine, and he would stay on it!!
I can't seem to push his am A time much past 5 hrs as he will then most likely do an OT sleep. I think that A time is v important with him too, as if I stick to a certain time for the nap no matter what his am wake up time is, he will most definitely end up OT.
Fingers crossed he has a good night tonight!