My Oopsie! Sorry, my mistake. Squeakersmum's baby and mine differ 3 days, wrote that under the wrong name.
I made a meal for DD today with pasta, chicken, grated carrots and grated zuccini / courgettes and cheese sauce. I did puree, but not very finely. She gagged a few times, so I added a bit more water. She still gagged so I eventually gave up. I made a big batch, so I pureed the rest a little more finely. I'll see how she goes on that tomorrow.
Her pincer grip is developing well. Gave her some peas tonight and she picks them up nicely, but that's where her efforts end. They don't go near her mouth, she just plays with them, or finds it entertaining to turn the entire bowl of peas upside down on her high chair tray. Lol.
I'll try the mesh feeder, sounds like a nice idea. Saw one at a baby store last week, so will definitely get one. Also the crushed cheerios seems like a fab idea, thank you.
From what age can baby eat food with salt in? Also, when is it safe to introduce egg? There are so many nice recipes that contain egg, but I'm still avoiding them.
Thanks for the help!