hello ladies, id really appreciate some advice from someone with formula-feeding experience. DD2 is 6 months, I had been BF but didn't seem to have enough milk so have gradually been moving to FF. I never did this with DD1 as i had a lot more milk in those days! so don't really know what i'm supposed to be doing feed-wise. could i ask a few questions:
1) what would be an average amount of ounces at this age? she had 25oz yesterday but only 18 today.
2) Shuold i offer her water with her meals (she's on 3 small solids meals a day and milk feeds at 7, 11 3, 7 and DF).
3) Should she be having a 'number 2' milk now? SHe had been on Aptamil Number 1 but i'd got it into my head that she needed to go up at 6 motnhs so sent DH out to buy Aptamil 2. It says on the box 'for hungry babies, to deal onset on weaning'. I don't think she's a particulalry hungry baby, and i'm not trying to delay weaning, so should i not give her this? she's going to have to have it tonight as my box of Number 1 just ran out!#
4) Am I supposed to introduce a sippy cup at this age or wait longer?
many thanks for all your advice