Hi -
I did a similar trip with my dd when she was about 4 months old. We were going to eastern Canada so it was a 4 hour time difference. On the flight and on the travelling days, just do what you have to to get her to sleep (ie nursing rocking, holding, whatever) and I kept her up the first night till 7 local time. From what I remember she crashed out until 3 (which was 7 at home) when she woke up hungry. I fed her and she went back to sleep. She did this a couple of nights and then went on to sleep till about 5.30 (when she would normally wake up at home). The trip home was trickier as bedtime was now mid afternoon. We had a couple of nights where she would go to bed and wake up 45 minutes later thinking she'd had a nap. I kept her in bed and did shh-pat I think to get her off to sleep. I think literally there were about 4 days on each leg of the trip before she acclimatized and it was easier going west (to the US). It will be fine.