Thanks! its certainly been a lot of effort getting to where we are.. but worth it!
No props, he doesnt use a dummy and isnt swaddled any more. No bother getting him to sleep, he goes off within ten mins of being put down at naps and night.
I do sometimes think I am a bit keen to avoid OT
and so he is probably not as tired as he could be. Will try extending his A time a little bit. For example he slept 2 hours this am and I had to wake him up, but this afternoon he slept for 1hr 30. Ideally I would like to swap this pattern round.
He is teething right now, could that be the answer? My dh thinks he sleeps too much during the day (he clearly hasnt ever had a baby on his own!!!) and that is why he is waking up. I try to explain that a rested baby sleeps better but not sure he gets this logic!!
Thanks for your help and encouragement.