HI, just a bit of advice please.
We have our nearly 6 wk old DS on EASY for about the last 2 to 3 weeks. We are feeding at roughly 3 hourly intervals (give or take), so at 7,10, 1, 4 & then 6 & 7 with bath inbetween.
After his morning feed at 7 he usually stays awake till about 8 -8.15 and then I put him down for a nap. He only seems to be napping now for about 45 mins until 8.45 or 9 am. Trouble is, he is not due his feed then for another hour. I'm all for feeding before the 3 hour period if he's hungry, but I really don't think he is when he wakes up. He doesn't snort or root ( which he always does when hungry), but he does cry on waking. Its hard to know what to do with him then until he actually is hungry ....should I be doing activity with him to distract him? Just means then that the whole EASY flow of things gets out of order, and we end up doing more of a SAE instead!
What does anyone else do? At the moment I am going back into him when he wakes, resettling him & trying to make him last until he is due to get up for his feed, but maybe now that he is just that bit bigger he doesnt need to nap for 1 1/2 hours anymore?
Any tips?? Thanks