I have been having plenty of sleep issues with my 8mo daughter, slowly working my way through all the forums, reading, asking questions, trying to figure it out. It is slow going but we are starting to make some progress! The past few days she is going to sleep more and more on her own - joy of joys!! We really might get this one day. This morning, after a long period of calming, I put her down for nap, expecting the hear the usual screams. Instead, it was "Ba ba ba ba, ga ga ga ga". Blow a few raspberries on her doll's tummy and then.... quiet! Yay, she did it! But then... I hear a little fussing, complaining, and then crying. Darn. Of course, it was the naptime poop beast. I have a couple of kids who never seem to wind down until they are actually asleep. If they could literally prop their eyes open with toothpicks, they would. Both seem to need total relaxation to poop, both have ruined plenty of naps by pooping just as they were falling asleep. Some people have bathtub poopers. I have naptime poopers. The thing is, it is SO frustrating to be finally making sleep progress, only to have it ruined this way - I had to nurse the now OT baby to sleep and have a suspicion this will be a short nap in the end. I assume there is nothing I can do - I can't make her poop at other times. Can I? I thought I'd ask the wise BW women and men. Is there any way I can tweak her schedule do encourage...uh... movement at any other time of day? Try a nursing session in the dark during A time maybe, or would that just confuse her? Hmmmm.