Author Topic: to pump or not to pump....going back to work  (Read 651 times)

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Offline shivi

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to pump or not to pump....going back to work
« on: August 22, 2009, 14:30:38 pm »
Hi everyone...

I am going back to work on Tues and am wondering if I should wash and sterilise my pump which I have not used in quite a while. I pumped twice a day at 10AM AND 1PM when I went back to work after O was born but he was only 4.5 mths at that time.

E is now 7.5 mths and very well established on solids and loving them. I did things a little more like the "OTHER" routine with O as regards solids (dropped the 11am milk feed once meat/protein was introduced in lunch) and used the pumped milk from work for DF.

Here is Es routine right now. She's an Angel/Sririted mix and is doing so so well bfeeding now....its been a complete joy since we got over the tongue tie isses when she was snipped at 4.5 mths.....

7am wake and BF
7.45-8am bfast - cereal and fruit
9-11am nap
11.30am lunch meat, two veg and water in sippy followed by natural yoghurt. Today ate 7oz of tomato and turkey "soup" and about five baby spoons of nat ural yoghurt.
2-4 pm sleep sometime till 3.30 only
3.30 or 4 on waking BF
5pm solids tea
6.30 pm BF and bed asleep by 7

I dropped the DF between 6.5 and 7 mths as she was doing well without it anyway though we've been going thro a GS last few days with her EXTRA hungry and waking at 5am. work I won't really have the time to pump...
will I need to???

I will feed at 7am and be home for 3.30pm anyway.....

just need to know it will be ok not to....

S x

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!

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Re: to pump or not to pump....going back to work
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 04:46:33 am »
I'm still pumping at work for DS2 and he's almost 16mths old.  I usually pump around the time he would normally BF at home.
So working on that theory, no you wouldn't need to pump.  And if it is going to cause stress, then it's probably not going to be beneficial to you or her.

The main reason I pump is that my supply is pretty easy on/easy off.  So if I go for too long without pumping I notice a pretty significant drop fairly quickly.  However, that is my body and it's response.  It was the same with DS1.  I also have to pump as I work 12hr shifts.  So I'm gone before my kids are awake, and they are well asleep when I get home.  If I work 2 shifts then if I didn't pump it would be Friday at bedtime till Monday wake-up that I would go with out emptying out ... can we say mastitis! :o
Ok enough waffle.

It will be ok not to  :-*
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

Offline shivi

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Re: to pump or not to pump....going back to work
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 05:38:29 am »
thanks Deb

didn't mind your waffle at all  ;) ;) ;)

Siobhain - Mammy to Oscar and Emma, forever spirited, currently bilingual and curly, formerly baldy, extended breastfeeders!