Author Topic: SLEEPING AFTER ILLNESS  (Read 2526 times)

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Offline Kelmum

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« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2009, 15:20:44 pm »
Obviously she has been a bit all over the place for a few wks now, but routine is roughly as follows:
Wake up: 7.45
Breakfast: 8.15
Nap: 10.30ish for 60/80mins
Lunch: 12.30/45
Nap: 2.45ish for 40/60mins
Dinner: 4.45
Put down in bed no later than 7.30pm

She doesnt have an ear infection as far as im aware, but I was concerned that the wriggling was due to being in pain or maybe wind (as she can let off quite a bit during the night).  She gives out a wee cry in her sleep, almost as if she is having a bad dream, and if you rub her belly, then usually she quietens down again.  I would try the padding on the floor if you think that might work, but its getting her back down into the cot thats my worry, and which is why I usually end up taking her into bed. She has been spoiled a bit recently, so I will read the link you posted about the gradual withdrawal and keep my fingers crossed!!

Offline speechie

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« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2009, 15:55:25 pm »
fingers crossed for you too!
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline Kelmum

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« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2009, 09:30:05 am »
Hi all, news is not good.  LO still taking ages to get down to sleep and wakening through the night.  Have tried PU/PD for 3 nights and it didnt work, the WI/WO hasnt worked either as she gets so distressed the minute I go anywhere near the door, then with GW she gets so OT trying to get herself off to sleep that I end up lifting her and nursing her down to sleep anyway.  When I put her into the cot, she either stands up and cries, or she flings herself about the cot trying to get comfy, then when she cant she stands up and cries again, which is heartbreaking! To be honest, I wouldnt mind nursing her to sleep if she then slept through the night, but she doesnt and her NW are not regular at all.  Last night my other half spent 1.1/2 hrs getting her off to sleep, so was asleep from 08.30pm and woke at 1.15am (which is much longer than she usually sleeps in her cot before her first NW), but she wakes up crying, im convinced of this, as opposed to wakening up and then realising she is on her own and then crying.  Once we go into her and lift her she stops crying instantly, but its a real struggle to get her back into the cot, we maybe succeed in getting her back in once or twice if we are lucky, but usually after some persistence we will take her into the spare bed (only ever 1 of us will deal with her at the same time, and we havent brought her into our bed yet).  Over the past few days I have slightly adapted her daytime routine, as her nap in the morning wasnt very long, and it was a struggle to get oher to sleep in the afternoon, so by 5pm was so OT - so I have changed it now, and she doesnt nap in the morning, but goes down after lunch about 1.30ish for 2hrs, and she is coping ok, still bit tired in the morning, but does manage to stay awake til her nap, and is in fab form once she wakes up after it.  Still putting her to bed around 7/7.15pm as she does seem tired at that stage, and taking all of her bottle before she goes to bed.  When we take her into bed, she seems to settle quite quickly, but still has a wee cry every so often, but usually stops if we rub her stomach - based on the fact that she had been sick for a while there, im wondering is there something still bothering her thats causing her to waken durin the night - and this is why she doesnt like going down to sleep on her own???? Im clutching at straws here

Offline speechie

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« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2009, 14:43:30 pm »
Big hugs to you- sounds like she's still not feeling well.
Have you tried treating with pain meds at bedtime for a few nights to see if it makes a difference?
Last night my other half spent 1.1/2 hrs getting her off to sleep, so was asleep from 08.30pm and woke at 1.15am (which is much longer than she usually sleeps in her cot before her first NW),
That is actually pretty good- if she slept longer than usual.
From what you are describing, I think I'd stick more with a GW, keep your hand on her if needed to help comfort, then gradually intervene less and less as the days go by. Also, I used to nurse till my babe was drowsy but not asleep, put him in the crib still slightly awake.

Once we go into her and lift her she stops crying instantly, but its a real struggle to get her back into the cot,
I stopped picking up my LO at this age-- unless truly distressed. I would lean over the crib and hug and comfort as needed to settle, but I didn't take him out. I found it took 2 nights or so, then he understood that he was supposed to resettle there.
It is tiring, they are very persistant at this age. Once you are sure your LO is feeling better, do your best to stay the course, and it should improve.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007