I'm frustrated! My situation certainly isn't the worst out there but I'm trying to figure out what I can do about these short naps.
Here is our day today (it's a pretty typical day):
(bedtime 8:30 p.m. dreamfeed at 10:45 p.m.)
7:15 wake up, diaper change, feed
7:45 playtime, get dressed
8:55 tired signs start
9:00 naptime routine (read book, close curtains, fan on for white noise, mobile on to play lullaby, sit quietly)
9:05 in crib, babbling
9:15 asleep (shush/pat)
9:55 awake (babbling in crib; I go in when he starts fussing, try shush/pat and PU/PD for 30 minutes without success)
10:25 activity
10:45 feed
11:05 activity (diaper change, mom/baby yoga)
12:50 tired signs start
12:55 naptime routine (read book, close curtains, fan on for white noise, mobile on to play lullaby, sit quietly)
1:00 in crib, babbling
1:10 asleep
1:50 awake (wakes up crying, still showing tired signs of rubbing eyes, yawning, rubbing ears; try shush/pat and PU/PD for 50 minutes without success
2:50 feed (dozes off feeding but wakes when I move)
The rest of our day typically goes as follows:
3:15 activity (playtime and some quiet time)
5:00 naptime routine (read book, close curtains, fan on for white noise, mobile on to play lullaby, sit quietly)
5:35 awake (happy/content)
6:45 feed
7:15 activity (usually a walk)
7:45 bedtime routine (bath and/or reading, close curtains, diaper change, baby massage, PJs, mobile on to play lullaby, sit quietly)
8:15 in crib, usually asleep within 10 minutes
Occasionally I can get him back to sleep when he wakes after 40 minutes using shush/pat and PU/PD but it generally takes 20-40 minutes. But most of the time he will not go back to sleep. We've been doing EASY (or trying to) for about 2-3 weeks now. It is very easy to tell when he is sleepy/hungry. He's a combination Angel/Textbook baby, so I know I shouldn't complain but it just seems that his naps should be longer. I've tried doing wake to sleep (seems to wake him fully and then have to do PU/PD). I've also tried holding him through the jolts, that also seems to wake him.
Should I just leave it at 45 minute naps and have him nap more frequently? Or keep trying to extend the short naps? Please help!