Author Topic: Transitioning from breast to bottle fed (formula)  (Read 835 times)

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Transitioning from breast to bottle fed (formula)
« on: August 29, 2009, 00:18:44 am »
I have a six month old baby girl who REFUSES to use a bottle. I have tried many different kinds and nothing has worked. I want to get her on a bottle and also transition from breast milk to formula.

I have read Tracy's ideas for transitioning to a bottle but I would love to get some ideas on how to go from breast milk to formula. Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

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Re: Transitioning from breast to bottle fed (formula)
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 01:37:19 am »
Hi, and welcome to bw! :)

We are in the process of doing this, so take my advice fwiw!  We are having some success, but some setbacks as well, so I would love to hear what others are doing as well.

As far as getting ds to take a bottle, we tried many different kinds before we found one that worked.  We are using a playtex one that has a wide nipple and a collapsible liner.  The wide nipple is closer to what he is used to, and the collapsible liner creates a vacuum so the bottle doesn't have to be in the "right" position.  He can drink it sitting up, lying down, crawling around (hilarious to watch!), whatever.  We also use a variable flow nipple.  It is a Y cut, and is actually meant for thicker liquids.  I use it because I was told that it more closely mimics breastfeeding in that the harder the lo sucks, the more liquid they get out.  Ds definitely prefers it to either the fast or slow flow nipples.  I also find that I can't hold him while he's drinking from the bottle.  Dh can, as can others, but it's like he can smell the milk on me and would rather have it from the source!  So I usually give it to him on the floor, in his bouncy chair, in the carseat, or in the stroller.  I also give him smaller bottles (usually just 4oz or so) as they are more manageable for him.

I started out by giving him ebm in the bottle, that way he was only getting used to one new thing.  Once I got him taking the bottle I started mixed ebm and formula.  I started out adding just one ounce of formula to 4oz ebm, and gradually increased the amount of formula.  I'm currently at a 50/50 mix.

HTH :)  and good luck!
D ~ dairy, egg, peanut/nut and mustard allergies
Proud to have breastfed for over 24 months!

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Re: Transitioning from breast to bottle fed (formula)
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2009, 10:01:47 am »
Are you wanting to finish BFing completely or go to mix feeding.

I did a breast to bottle transition at 6mths and did pretty much follow Tracey's methods.

Have you seen these

I'm in the UK and my lo accepted a MAM bottle and teat - I think as they are less rubbery than most, and also have a valve system to stop the vacuum thing.

It is hard for me to explain exactly how I did things (and certainly why I did it that way) as my lo had terrible reflux with complete reverse cycling of feeds, and breast aversion. When I did it he was feeding every 2hrs from 5pm until 4am and was basically then refusing to feed all day. So it was normal for him to not be hungry until 4 or 5pm. What I did was offer the bottle at 7am for a few days and then breast for the rest of the day. Jacob didn't take so I did eventually do a cold turkey. First day he took about 2oz from the bottle all day and then I gave him a bedtime breast feed, brest fed him at all his night feeds and did the same again the next day. He took nothing at 7am, nothing at 10am, about 1oz at 1pm, about 1oz at 4pm and then at 6pm he took 5oz and screamed for more, and then took another 4oz of formula. But remember it was NORMAL for Jacob to not feed all day. I then did what Tracey suggested and did bottles only of EBM for 2 days, and then went back to a morning and bedtime BF with bottles in the middle of the day. After a month or so I went to full times bottles as Jacob was not able to mix feed due to his reflux. It was too difficult for him to switch between the 2.

For the majority of babies the best place to start is to pick a hungry feed and 'stick it out' with the bottle for that feed. So if you choose the 7am feed offer then bottle then, if they refuse put it away and offer again after an hour or so and keep with the bottle until the next feed time at 11am.

Remember your lo just doesn't understand that milk comes from that silly plastic thing, and even if they work that out, can't get it out as the sucking action is very different to BFing. So they have to learn and work it out. That is why it takes time.

FWIW Jacob still won't take a milk feed off anyone except me. Milk comes from mummy. And it was me is accepted it from in the first place - not daddy or grandma or whoever. He did feed in a very odd position for quite a while though - he still used to like to lye down and trun his head sideways to accept the teat much like they do when BFing. It took ages before he would feed in a bottle feeding position.

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Re: Transitioning from breast to bottle fed (formula)
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2009, 10:20:09 am »
I started the weaning process on Friday and my girl is 100% bottle fed formula as of Sunday morning. This was the baby who refused every single type of bottle & sippy cup on the market - I have been trying to wean her since she was 2 months old.

The biggest piece of advice I can offer which helped us is to pick one bottle which has a soft teat (nipple), quite wide, and stick with it. Don't offer any other types of bottles. I made the mistake of trying a different bottle each day, I honestly think it confused Kirsty. I didn't give her the opportunity to get used to one.

I started getting consistent with offering a bottle of EBM once per day about 1-2weeks ago. Pick a time where your baby isn't really really hungry, and isn't tired. Our most successful time of day was just after her afternoon nap. Kirsty really didn't drink much at all from the bottle to begin with, she more mouthed/chewed the teat, but that's ok, let your baby explore it on her terms. It's completely new to her. Even if for a few days/week she just chews it but drinks nothing. It may help to give it to her empty so she can play with it, babies explore through play. Just be careful she doesn't suck too much as she will be taking in air.

Be consistent daily offering her it with BM in. If my girl can do it, any baby can do it! I honestly thought I would be BFing her until she was 18yrs old!!! Once Kirsty took 2-3oz each day, I did this for a week, then on Friday last week I decided I would pump 2oz BM to mix with 2oz formula, and offer her a bottle for every feed - if she took some then FAB, if she didn't take any but she tried, then FAB! And I would have offered her BF after, but I didn't need to.

Saturday we did 1oz BM with 3+ oz formula, and Sunday was 100% formula. Be positive with her, it's very easy to get frustrated and "why wont you just take the darn thing", it's really difficult to keep calm. But more positivity from you and upbeat "yummy!" will work. If Kirsty wasn't happy about taking the bottle I would pretend to suckle it (obviously didn't put it in my mouth), and it helped her realise what to do with it.

Does your LO sit in a highchair? To begin with I sat Kirsty in her highchair to feed her the bottle - so she wasn't confused by being close to the breast. Or being held in the nursing position.

Sorry this is so long - I just feel your frustration! It's taken me such a long time to get to this point, but once the ball started rolling, so to speak, it happened overnight. I couldn't be more proud of my bubby!! It will happen for you, just hang in, keep positive, calm & consistent!