Author Topic: How do I keep EASY on track after short naps  (Read 672 times)

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How do I keep EASY on track after short naps
« on: September 23, 2009, 14:16:02 pm »

I've been following the EASY routine since my LO was 10 weeks old-she's now 7 1/2 months but I haven't quite sussed what to do after short naps. I know you're supposed to shorten the next A time but by how much?
Would you then expect the next nap to be a normal length or short again as the preceding A time has been short? This would mean that the rest of the day has short naps and short A times.
Or do you do a short A time after a short nap and then try to keep the rest of the day at the normal times for your routine, risking OT as a result?

Does this make sense?

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Re: How do I keep EASY on track after short naps
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 15:05:52 pm »
Hi there, can you post your EASY so we can take a look.

It depends on your LO and their inclination towards OT as to how much you shorten the next A time...some LO's you can shorten by say 15 minutes...others might need a half hour to get a good nap following.  Sometimes if you hit it right, you get a good nap and stop the short nap cycle.  But if any OT has already crept in, it can be another short nap.  What temperament is your LO?  What I do with Finn after a short nap is take him to his room at 1 hr 45 mins A time (given that his normal A is around 2.5 hours)...and then just keep it low key until I see those tired signs more pronounced.  Sometimes it means just sitting with him in the chair for another 1/2 hour or 45 mins.  Chatting, singing, blowing raspberries on his belly.  If I leave him up and to it, he will let himself get OT and the tired signs show way too late to salvage the next nap. 
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