Hi my LO is 7 months and 3 weeks old. here is our easy at the moment.
6 E 7 oz
7 E solids 2 tbs
8:45 S (1.5 h to 2 h)
11 E 6 oz
12 E solids 2 tbs.
1:30 S (2h)
3:30 E 6oz
4:30 E solids same as above
5:30 S 45 min
6:15 bath
7:30 E 7 oz sleep
Mt question is, yesterday his afternoon nap was 45 min long and I tink it's because due to lenghtening his A time, his nap falls during his 3pm bottle and is waking due to hunger. Is it to early to drop the 11 am bottle and if I do that, what would my easy look like?