Author Topic: 16 weeks.... big baby (8.3kg / 18lb) more or less likely to need 4 hr EASY  (Read 876 times)

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Offline mylittlelovelies

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Hi just wondering if a bigger baby is likely to need to transition from a 3hr to 4hr EASY earlier or later than the average? I am breastfeeding and have a very plentiful milk supply (hence the rapid weight gain) Only tricky thing is she doesn't go more than 1hr 15 mins before definite tired cant see how she'll cope with 2 hours A time??
Thanks for your help

Offline LMcKinney

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Re: 16 weeks.... big baby (8.3kg / 18lb) more or less likely to need 4 hr EASY
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2009, 04:23:14 am »
Hi there. My LO was 18 pounds at 4 months as well.  I found that it didn't necessarily make him ready for a 4-hr easy.  We struggled to get to 3 hrs from the very beginning.  He started doing 4 hrs consistently around 5 months.

He also wasn't a good sleeper and took a long time to get out of 45 min naps.. we're doing better now but all that to say that I don't have much to say about the A times. 

Good luck! 

Offline Katet

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Re: 16 weeks.... big baby (8.3kg / 18lb) more or less likely to need 4 hr EASY
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2009, 04:38:02 am »
I had 2 big babies, both over 8kg at 3mo... neither really fitted the 4hour routine, the first because he simply didn't cope with more than 1.25/1.5hours A time & the second because well I was juggling his life to fit the 2 children having a big nap at the same time... I wasn't giving up a big 3hours break in the middle of the day so we had more like 2.5/3/4.5/3 routine with DS2, also he'd had a hospital stay that threw out my milk supply (he was on IV fluids)
Anyway I think you kind of have to work out what is best for your child, if she sleeps well then see if it gets to say 3.5hours, it doesn't have to be exactly 3 or 4 sometimes you can do a short A time first eg an AEASAEAS to fit it in better... just as long as they don't fall asleep on a feed.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05