Author Topic: Toddler bed tactics.... anyone?  (Read 730 times)

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Toddler bed tactics.... anyone?
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:44:13 am »
So, we transitioned to a toddler bed pretty much without any problems.  The problems came when Stanley realized he could actually leave the bed, and open his door.  It took me a good two hours to get him to fall asleep for his nap yesterday and I'm wondering if anyone has had the same happen (after weeks of normal sleep in the new bed!)

I've put a gate up and have had to slip into bed with him to get him comfortable.  I'll leave before he falls asleep but he seems to want to be out of the room entirely.  It's 5am and he is sitting in his chair (in his bedroom) playing with a lights and sounds toy....

is this just something he will grow out of? (like so many of his past sleeping crazies?)

Offline becky1969

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Re: Toddler bed tactics.... anyone?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2009, 17:34:38 pm »
We haven't hit this stage yet (we just transitioned to toddler bed 2 months ago), but it is my fear!!

If (when!) it happens with my son, we'll do a reward chart to motivate him to stay in bed.  Your little guy is pretty young (20 months if my math is right?), but it may work with him too.  Stickers for every  sleep period he stays in his bed until you come tell him it's time to get up.  3 stickers = prize (matchbox cars work for my son, but you could do a gummy bear, trip to the park, or small toy/stuffed animal you know he'd like).

If you do 3 stickers = prize then he has a chance to get a prize pretty much every day.  Once you have a good week of correct behavior then you can do 5 stickers=prize and only offer sticker if he remembers.  That way he'll slowly forget about the reward system and you'll just have him doing as you ask!

Otherwise you may have to spend a little more time in his room to ensure he's sleepy.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2009, 17:37:02 pm by becky1969 »
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Re: Toddler bed tactics.... anyone?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2009, 20:25:25 pm »
I like this for when he is a bit older.... Stan is a bit behind in speech, and Im not totally sure he would understand the concept of rewards.... he still doesn't say mommy :(

But I will def keep this in mind for later... stickers are a great idea :) thanks

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Re: Toddler bed tactics.... anyone?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2009, 20:35:15 pm »
We had this too. Transition initially went really well, then after about a month she realised she could get out of bed and out of her room ::) We just stuck with taking her back and saying it's bedtime, doing a sort of WI/WO, and eventually leaving her if she was in her room but awake. It was really tough and lasted about a week. Got better from then on though. Think they are just testing what happens if they get out and can't help but to use their new freedom. Our DD was about 2yo when we did the switch.
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