Author Topic: At what age does OT stop causing problems? If ever?  (Read 602 times)

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Offline Sarah72

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At what age does OT stop causing problems? If ever?
« on: September 16, 2009, 07:50:58 am »

I am sure someone else asked this a while ago but I can't find the thread. Whenever our 18mo is OT, we get NWs and EWs. Will he grow out of this or does it continue forever? I would so like for ds to have a late night (say 8pm!) sometimes and not then be up all night or at 5am. Is there any hope?



Offline MLK

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Re: At what age does OT stop causing problems? If ever?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 11:16:57 am »
Umm, I've read that teenagers are chronically sleep deprived. ANd how did you feel when you had a newborn?

Seeriously, you can have the odd night out and then just use the next few days to catch up on lost sleep. As you Lo gets older you can manipulate naps more, like having an afternoon nap that finishes at 5pm so you can go out and have a bedtime of 9pm, just as a one off. In a few more months things might start getting a bit more flexible, depends on what your LO's personality and sleep needs.