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Offline sjr_111

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Need help with routine
« on: September 15, 2009, 17:18:12 pm »
My question is about how to keep on EASY. I posted my routine (such as it is!) below. I have not successfully figured out my 10 wk old (mostly Textbook but with a strong Touchy streak) LO’s sleep cues so I watch the clock because I can’t seem to figure her out. I don’t know what I should do about the abbreviated naps-should I try to keep her in her crib as I have been (which means I am in her room all day) or get her out for quiet A time but does that make her more OT? I fear we are locked in a constant OT cycle that I don’t know how to break. Things are better than they were before I started with the BW stuff (with some help from the Naps forum) as up until a few weeks ago she only napped when we held her, and even then she woke a lot and did not take hour and a half naps. She has too long A times, but should I put her down right after she eats? Wait for a cue? I figure she is always tired as she does not get enough sleep.

Advice needed and appreciated!

E 7:30-8:10    3 to 4 oz. (she is a slow eater, hard to get her to eat)
A 8:10-8:45    (incl. 5-10 mins Wind-down)
S 8:45-9:15    time is counted starting from eyes closed, anywhere from as little as 20 to as many as 45 mins and occasionally 1 hour of sleep time-then she wakes with a jolt, a shriek, a whine, or sometimes she just opens her eyes and looks at me
A? 9:15-10:30 me trying to get her to go back to sleep with pat/shh. She may or may not sleep a little bit off and on during this time, rarely seems to really fall asleep again.
E 10:30-11:10 3 to 4 oz.
A  11:10-11:45
S 11:45-12:15    same as ‘S’ above
A? 12:15-1:30 same as ‘A?’ above
E 1:30-2:10    3 to 4 oz
A 2:10-2:45
S 2:45-3:30    same as ‘S’ above
A? 3:30-4:30 same as ‘A?’ above
E 4:30 3 to 4 oz
A 4:30-5:45
S 5:45-6:15    (sometimes this doesn’t happen)
A 6:15-6:30    Bath
E 6:30-7:10    3 to 4 oz, sometimes she won’t take that much
A 7:10-7:30    Bedtime wind-down
S 7:30-11
E 11:00    Dream feed 2 to 3 oz or as much as she will take
S 11-2    (or 3 or 4, never the same time, and sometimes I suspect she is awake for a period at this time of night and in the next segment of sleep, as if I am not completely asleep myself I hear whines and gurgles and coos on the monitor off and on)
E       3 or 4 oz
S until 7:30am (but sometimes wakes at 5 or 6, eats 2-3 oz and is hard to get back down-and sometimes if I do get her to doze off I think she sometimes stays awake for part of this time, but does not cry, and I am asleep)

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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Re: Need help with routine
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2009, 01:44:42 am »

Seems like you are aiming for a 1hr. 15 min. A time but you just weaned your lo off of being held during naps and you think you're in an OT cycle? Is that right?

Couple of questions for you:
*Do you swaddle or have you weaned?
*Does lo take a paci?
I found that both of these things greatly helped DD sleep longer.

When my DD gets into OT cycles (from when she was young and even still) we shorten her A times and let her have a catch up day or two. Since your lo is learning how to fall asleep and STAY asleep between sleep cycles/jolts by herself....could you lay her down after a shorter A time tomorrow to see if that will help?

:) Good luck and let me know what you think.

Offline sjr_111

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Re: Need help with routine
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2009, 16:28:49 pm »
I think I we are in an OT cycle, because of the consistent short naps she must be over-tired?? I am aiming for A of 1h 15 mins, but if she shows me she is tired I put her down earlier. Then again, I don't think I am very good at seeing whether she is tired.

I am confused about just how short A time could or should be without it being a feed-to-sleep routine, and how to stay on EASY if her A time is not geared to a 3-hour schedule, and how long should her naps be if we've reduced her A time? You are right about her not being able to stay asleep between cycles and/or jolts. If I am there and catch her quick enough she may or may not be able to go back to sleep. If she has shorter A times will that help her to sleep longer? Do you mean just for a couple days or in general?

Also yes she is swaddled completely but fights it and wiggles and wriggles and sometimes escapes. Lots of re-swaddling needed :)

She does take a paci and I have been worried about whether it is a prop or not. If her eyes are shut but she is still sucking hard on it, she will open her eyes when she spits it out (I say 'spits it out' because it does not seem to me that she has just lost it) and fuss, but if she has really fallen asleep and it just falls out she does not notice or wake. If she wakes later because of a jolt or something then she will "look" for it again to go back to sleep. Does that mean it is a prop?

I just got this message now, so I will try shortening her A times tomorrow as it is late here. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it and anything anyone else may contribute... :)

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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Re: Need help with routine
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 01:55:12 am »
The paci is's a prop if YOU have to go reinsert it. If your lo can do it themselves it is more of a soothing item, the way a lovey would be. The problem is that at first almost ALL los need a parent to reinsert them...until they have good control of their hands and can find and reinsert themselves. This happens at very different times for each baby. DD took awhile to find hers and then she didn't need us anymore but prior we had to get up A LOT at night to help her find them when she woke up. We weaned her off of them around 10 months so she wouldn't have a major issue as she got older. They were soooo helpful when she was learning to sleep etc. so I don't regret using them.

I think you can try for 45 mins to 1 hr for your short A time...45 mins sounds A LOT shorter I know...but when OT, los have a harder time settling and it may take that 10 or 15 mins. to get to sleep....which would put your near the hour mark. I would only do this for a day or two...once you think you're out of the OT can increase your A time back up to an age appropriate one that your lo can handle...but take it slow so you can see what time works best for your lo.

On the days you are trying to catch up and you might feed and end up putting to her right back to sleep...just try to keep her from falling asleep while sucking/swallowing. If she is getting really really drowsy, try all the tricks to keep her awake...changing position, feeding without clothes, burping often, you can still lay her down drowsy, but awake. You may not always be able to do this, but that should be okay b/c it shouldn't last for too long before her A time increases and the feeding to sleep shouldn't really happen much after that.

I hope this helped to answer some of your questions.

Offline sjr_111

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Re: Need help with routine
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 22:05:35 pm »
Thanks...I will give it a try and let you know :)

Offline ~Lori~

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Re: Need help with routine
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 22:11:05 pm »
I'm interested to hear, too.  I have a 16 week old who is like this.  The jolts wake him up constantly, even when not OT.  He is in an OT cycle and we are trying to break it too!
Mom to:

DD--Touchy, then Textbook, 2006
DS1--Spirited, 2009
DS2--Textbook, 2012
DD2--Angel, 2014