Author Topic: Salicylate Sensitivity  (Read 1612 times)

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Salicylate Sensitivity
« on: September 14, 2009, 17:57:02 pm »
Hi!  H was treated for reflux from the age of 5 mo to 20 months.  These foods to flare up his reflux or give him lots of gas: turkey (Thanksgiving frozen and organic deli style processed with a beet juice preservative), chicken (organic deli sliced again in that preservative; although fresh seems to go over a lot easier w/o gas), yogurt (any berry yo-baby; we never tried plain), and tomatoes.  In August we went off meds, and he was doing fine for about 2 weeks.  Then strawberries, grapes, and avocado seemed to make things go haywire with his sleep.  One of the gals mentioned salicylates; all these foods seem to be not so good for salicylate sensitivity.  I think this issue has been there for a long time, but as we tried to rule out bad foods, we would unknowingly substitute another food that is high in it.  Even feeding a veggie and a fruit with moderate levels that would be fine on their own would likely cause problems together and probably throw us off.  It seems to be in about everything!

We saw the gi last week, and he says he thinks he has outgrown the reflux, but is dealing with food sensitivity/intollerance.  He said H would be the best guide as to what he can tollerate, rather than doing a scope (which would still not tell us the level he can tollerate).  Anyone go through this?  I posted a link to a site that has a lot of foods and their levels of salicylates.  I am thinking that we will start on the bottom and work up to find a general level that he can tolerate? He seems to be doing ok with pears and bananas.  I have been substituting applebutter for any jelly/jam; it seems to be ok.

Going to try to find a vitamin supplement (without berry flavoring or artificial coloring) as we go through this, too, as the gi said it was fine to do that (but probably not necessary if he eats a regular "kids diet").  Most of his vit c fruits are off the list for now.  :-(  We are in the US, in case anyone has come across a supplement like that.

Thanks in advance to any replies!

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Re: Salicylate Sensitivity
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2009, 22:57:54 pm »
I've never dealt with this, or even heard about it, so I'm not much help on that front.  However, I wish you luck with the trying of new foods!  I really hope things work out for you!
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