I have to agree with Leora. Often, the best thing to do is avoid the situation. One thing we have found is that lunch is much easier than dinner. Most places, particularly chain restaurants, tend to turn over tables faster at lunch than at dinner. Also, I think most other patrons tend to be a bit more understanding. We tend to eat lunch out far more often than dinner for this reason. Now, that might not be possible for you, so if you must eat dinner or a long meal out, one recommendation I would have is to order as soon as possible and let the waither know you are on a limited timeframe due to your toddler. Lots of times I feel like I am playing beat the clock before my 23 mo old hits the wall. And, last but not least, if your lo is having a particularly bad time out at a restaurant, you must be prepared to get your food to go, or leave. I'm sorry, but I absolutely believe it is my responsibolity to cut my meal short rather than inconvenience an entire section of restaurant patrons. Sometimes you will have good experiences, and sometimes, you will have bad ones.