Author Topic: 3 yr old with multiple NW every night and EW, only sleeping 9 hrs all day!!!  (Read 3028 times)

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Offline hdgmom

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If I remember correctly the average A time for 3yr olds is 6-6.5 hrs in the am, then a 1-1.5 hr nap and 5-5.5hrs A time before bed. 

How are you and your lo doing now?

Offline clazzat

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I don't know anything about dropping naps altogether - although I'm figuring that I only have a couple of months before I am forced to! - but could you try giving him quiet time in his room?  Maybe put him in there for half an hour with some books or something that he will do on his own, and then try getting him to have a short nap after that.  I think some mums have found that being left to quiet time leads to lo falling asleep anyway.

Offline *arb*

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Hi - thanks so much for responding.

Well, things are going a little bit better, but I still haven't found a solid solution yet. We have been doing "quiet time" for awhile. I don't say he has to nap, but I do say he has to play on his bed quietly. Some times he is asleep within 5 minutes, other times he gets up after 10-15 minutes and walks downstairs. I then make him go back up for quiet time. He eventually falls asleep.

Per a suggestion, I let him nap as long as he wanted one day (well, I did end up having to wake him up because we were having a playdate here and he was still asleep after 2.5 hours!) That night, despite starting bedtime after 3.5-4 hours, he didn't go to bed until like 10:30! That did not work.

I've been doing about 30-45 minutes of napping, but I felt like he was still up pretty late (9:30ish.) Today, I only let him nap for like 15 minutes. He was (and is always) so out of it when I went to wake him up. (I feel bad doing it.) I always have to pick him up, take him to a new room and talk loudly to get him to fully wake up. He did ok the rest of the day and eventually went to sleep around 8:30 with not too much fuss. I guess this is the solution? If he naps for 15 minutes, great. If not, just quiet time in the room. Problem is, how do you know exactly when they fall asleep without checking on them every 5 minutes? Oh well. Looks like my days of synchronized naps are over. :( At least we aren't screaming and yelling at bedtime anymore! :o)

Offline hdgmom

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Yes, it does sound like your days of naps, with a break for you, are over. A while ago I read another post and mom had recommended putting a lo to bed 1 hour earlier than usuall when they give up their nap. But that would depend on your lo attitude, he may only need to go to bed 30 min earlier. If he is napping for 15min I would drop the nap alltogether and just do quiet time for 30-40min. That might be a perfect time to watch a cartoon and have a snack. You may have already dropped the 15 min nap by now. I would like to hear how you  are doing, I think I will be in your shoes soon.

My lo is reducing his naps slowly but surely. His after nap A time is now 6 hours. He may wake once in the night to be re-tucked in and he'll sleep till 6 am and have a 1.25-1.5 hour nap. If only I could get his little sister to sleep we would be great.