Author Topic: 12 mo - now on soy, a couple ??s  (Read 1171 times)

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Offline grace annes mommy

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12 mo - now on soy, a couple ??s
« on: September 21, 2009, 23:55:21 pm »
Hi there!  :)

My DD will be one year tomorrow!!!  She has reflux as well as MSPI.  But things have been going well, and we were given the ok to try soy, and so far so good! She had been on Nutra AA, then 2 months ago, we tried regular Nutramigen.  Then about 2 weeks ago, we started swapping ounces of Nutra for soy formula. We are now completely on soy, with no reactions that I can see.  Sending in for a hemmocult (sp  ??? ) tomorrow, but my gut says she's fine.

Now that she's turning one, I have a couple questions:

1) Should I continue her on soy formula? Most babies this age are going to cow's milk. Should I be moving her to soy milk? Or is soy milk not nutritionally complete and I should stick with formula?

2) We have been religious about trying a new food in the morning every 3 days. It's so annoying!  :P  We had such a rough start with her allergies and reflux, so for the most part, I don't mind taking it slow. But sometimes it drives me bonkers, as I just want to give her things from my plate. And, I mean, I can't introduce EVERY food in the world! We weren't able to start her on solids til 8 mos. and then, while trying new formulas, we've taken a significant break from new foods.  Her diet is fairly varied, but still, not THAT many options.  Soy is opening up more, I guess. Obviously, I'll go slowly as we get to the big allergenic foods, like nuts and shellfish. But, I guess I'm wondering, at what point can I just relax about it a bit?  Like, just avoiding dairy.  She has a bit of an 'intolerance' to sweet potatoes, but the rest of the solids have been fine.

Thanks so much, in advance!!!  :-*  :-*

Offline Mashi

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Re: 12 mo - now on soy, a couple ??s
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 11:10:01 am »
Hi there! Sounds like you've had a rough go of it feeding wise!   Hope things continue to get better!

In regards to the milk question, I would be more inclined to keep her on Nutramigen than to use soy milk as her regular milk.  Not sure if you are UK based or North America so I suppose that may be a factor as if you are paying for it, it's stupidly expensive.  (Oh, wait, just noticed you said soy formula is an option as well...) SO then, either way, I would for the formula (soy or nutramigen) rather than soy milk as her drink.  The main reason being that soy milk isn't really fully nutritionally complete - it is quite low in fat compared to milk and it lacks some key vitamins (I *think* that it's Vit B12, and Vit D but can't remember) as well as a couple of other things. While formula, including soy formula, has all of the added vitamins, nutrients and fat content for LO.  (Right, as you questioned in your post...maybe I should read more carefully!!!!)

With the introduction of new foods, I went slowly for a long time, probably until about 9ish months.  Once I hit that point, I still watched and was careful, but I wasn't so strict about only a new one every three days, etc.  I just got a bit more carefree with things, and the few times DS did have a reaction I could limit it to one of a few different foods which I could then go back and try. Rather than when he was very young and I was very strict about the new foods and watching for reactions.  When you're already dealing with  food allergies it puts you much more on your guard, I have lots of family and friends who rolled their eyes behind my back.   

Aside from the milk and soy and sweet potato, does she have any other food allergies?  I would look up and read a bit about sweet potato allergy, see if there is any info on what generally the allergic part is, if there are any cross tolerant foods (like, if you are allergic to SP then it's likely you are allergic to xyz, etc) and avoid those things.  But, other than that, I would plow on with things.  One of the reasons I would push on is because there is sort of a limited time window when LOs are willing to try new things, and if you don't encourage it when she is young, you may very well end up with a fussy eater.  Which is okay if you are able to deal with that, but it does make life easier when you have more options to feed her.  If she only has probs with diary and sweet pots, I would move forward and just keep an eye on her as you go, watching for any reactions!

Is there any plan for a milk challenge now that she is one? We passed the soy challenge when DS was about 11 months and he got some milk accidentally at 13 months and was fine, so we went on from there. It has taken over a month of weaning his formula into cow's milk, but he's almost there. Other allergies he's also grown out of, and life is so much easier!

However, we have been advised to hold off on shelllfish until 3 and nuts until 5!

Good luck and HTH!

Offline grace annes mommy

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Re: 12 mo - now on soy, a couple ??s
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 00:58:40 am »
Hi Mashimaro!
Thanks so much for your response.  :D
I figured staying on the soy formula was the answer. I just long for the days of not messing with formula powder!
I've got to look up the sweet potatoes again. I did a while ago, and remember thinking that it makes no sense that she would be allergic to them.  It may have just been something weird and she's outgrown it by now. May trial them again at some point.
Thanks for sharing that you eventually relaxed with the new foods.  I think I was just looking for someone to say I was allowed to do that??? Of course, I'll keep an eye on her, but as I said, I can't trial every food in the world, so at some point I'm just going to have to go for it a bit.
You have a point about one day having not such an adventurous eater!  Luckily, right now she is, so I should take advantage!
Soy is continuing to do well! And hopefully in the next couple months, we'll try dairy.  That's great your LO is doing well with milk and seems to have outgrown his allergies!!!
Thanks again!!