Author Topic: getting ready to put him back in crib  (Read 747 times)

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getting ready to put him back in crib
« on: September 24, 2009, 13:32:28 pm »
ok, So exhausted!  Can't explain how tired I am, mostly because of pg but I have been getting up with Stan between 10-12pm, and he is up for about 2hrs, then he wakes between 5-6am!  here is our routine, or atleast it was like clockwork about 2or3wks ago:

E 7am
(snack at 11am)
S 12pm 2.5hr nap

E (snack at 3-4pm)
Dinner at 5or6pm
S 7pm

I watch my next door neighbour's son on T Th and F.  I pick him up at school at 2:40pm and he is always starving when he gets back to our place.... thus the long time of snacking in the afternoon.... feeding him too much???

I have been giving in and getting Stan a glass of warm milk to relax him, somtimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

he is in a toddler bed and has been for about two months now.  I have to lock the door as he gets out and wanders the house if I don't (I have a string attached to the wall so he can open the door about 3 inches but that is all).  He begins to cry when he can't get out and (yes this is horrible) if I let him get upset for a bit (he always sees me) he generally falls back asleep more easily then when I try to get him to sleep while keeping him quiet ....

Last night was particularly awful, dh got up after about 1.5hr and rocked him to sleep in his arms... and Stan was up again 15min later (surprise? no).... so dh promptly got out the side of the toddler bed to make it a crib,  while he was searching for this I let stan cry a bit before going in (he sees my through the crack in the door) and when I got in his room he walked over to his bed and laid down..... fell asleep and we didn't hear a thing from him until 6am..... so I got about 4hrs last night......

Sorry to go on... a bit fuzzy...

Offline anna*

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Re: getting ready to put him back in crib
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 13:35:49 pm »
How about cutting that daytime sleep back a bit? My Stan has either NWs or EWs or both if I let him sleep longer than 2 hours in the daytime, and I know that from 18 months lots of them only need 1.5hrs in the day and 11.5 at night.

But yeh, if the sides of his bed help him to settle then why not put them back on?

Offline stagemanager2

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Re: getting ready to put him back in crib
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 17:55:37 pm »
ok.... have a new plan....  Must keep him in the toddler bed as he will be moving into his new room in a few months and I don't want to have to back track.

First, he will nap later, and thus have a shorter nap because I need him up by 230.... then, will try to push him past 7pm... prob 730...

Then if it's still going on in the next three or five days I'll have to figure something else out.... I may have to back track, but oh I don't want to :(....

thanks for the advice, didn't realize he was having soooooo much sleep for his age! :)

Offline anna*

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Re: getting ready to put him back in crib
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2009, 18:28:41 pm »
((((hugs)))) hope you get some rest soon... and congrats on your PG!