Author Topic: 14 month old not napping?  (Read 1715 times)

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14 month old not napping?
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:06:12 am »

I was wonder if someone could offer me some advice (or some encouragement) as my patience is wearing thin these days. My son (almost 14 months) did the 2-1 transition about a month ago. He did fine -- sleeping right after lunch for 2-3 hours. He has always been a good night sleeper- sleeping 12 hours straight (7:30ish-7:30ish). He also started a dayhome as I went back to work full time when he was 13 months. The first two weeks were an adjustment in that he would cry when I drop him off but my dayhome lady said he was napping perfect. However in the last 3 days he has stopped crying when I drop him off but my dayhome provider said he has been not napping or if he does nap he is waking up repeatedly crying and is a total bear througout the day. I noticed he is getting his two upper molars so I'm thinking this must be his reason for his napping to be out of sorts but its hard on all of us as he is a total grump to deal with. I just don't understand why he is sleeping well at night (knock on wood) but all of a sudden not napping. Has anyone experienced this where molars throw off napping but not the night sleeping. I guess he is sooo tired from the day that he conks out at night! He has always been a fussy type of child so with his lack of day sleeping makes him unbearable to deal with. Please help!!!!!


7:15am (wake him up to go to dayhome)

12:00 (Nap or lack of these days). He use to nap on average to about 2:30-3pm.

Bedtime: 7:00pm


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Re: 14 month old not napping?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2009, 01:46:47 am »
Have you tried any pain meds prior to his nap just to see if that would help. Maybe motrin or tylenol 30 to 45 mins. prior to his nap would help him. I think naptime sleep is less deep than night time sleep and with the comfort of mom he is able to overlook his teething discomfort and get to sleep whereas at the new place with another person he is already trying to adjust to going to sleep there and doesn't have mommy and so maybe notices the discomfort more? OR perhaps he has lunch right before and it irritates his gums and then he is laid down and feels it? Not sure entirely, but maybe even baby orajel could help if he has that while eating or prior to the nap.

Just a thought.

Otherwise I'd venture to say it's OT, from refusing to nap the first day and maybe he needs a catch up day or maybe just the teething is leading to him needing less A time for a little bit and he'll get right back to his one nap after they are done cutting and moving about?

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Re: 14 month old not napping?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2009, 21:17:20 pm »
I agree with PP.  Since he's SO new to 1 nap I'm guessing the molars are just enough of a stressor to make 1 nap not doable any more. 

If his nap was a bit later in the day (say 12:30 or 1) I'd suggest moving nap 30 min earlier and try that.  But wiht a 12 nap, an earlier nap would be 11:15 or 11:30 and *then* if he short naps you've got an awful long afternoon ahead of you or a super duper early bedtime which can mess up your routine something awful.

So I'd probably briefly go back to 2 naps.  You may not even have to do it every day, perhaps every other day will be enough to keep the worst of the OTness at bay.

So, I'd do something like this:

7:15 awake

10:45 short nap (15-20 min)

11:00/11:05 awake

2:00 nap (hopefully 1.5-2 hours)

3:30/4 awake

7:30 pm bedtime

Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!