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Offline zachymom

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Screaming himself to sleep
« on: October 08, 2009, 18:47:20 pm »
My 21-month-old son is going through major separation issues - while going to sleep has always been a challenge for us, he now has a total meltdown every time.  While he does sleep through the night (11-12 hours) and takes one nap a day (2+ hours), there is major drama involved in him actually going to sleep.  I should note that this only seems to be the case when I am the one putting him down, which is probably 85-90% of the time.  At nap and at bedtime I use the same wind-down process that I have always used (bath at night, brush teeth, read books, cuddle him and sing "I will") but when I try to put him in the crib he clutches me as tightly as he can and starts screaming.  He will not lie down so I can pat him or cover him or be soothed in any way.  I then hug him, blow him a kiss and say goodnight and then leave the room - he is usually jumping up and down and crying as if his world is ending at this point.  He then screams for anywhere from 1-10 minutes (sometimes even less than a minute) and then falls asleep.  It is like screaming has become his soothing method of choice.  I have tried for over a year to introduce a lovey and he will not take to anything.  Everyone else who has put him to bed reports that after they read him 2 stories, he points to his bed and then lies down for them to cover him with a blanket. He often blows them a kiss when they leave.  He has never pointed to his bed for me and I could probably count on one hand the number of times in the past 2 months he has allowed me to cover him and walk out of the room without him screaming.  He is also being extremely fidgeting when I try to read him stories - sometimes balking at the entire process.  I continue to let him pick out his stories and then read them quietly to him - even if he is unwilling to sit with me.  It is so frustrating to have him cry and cry every time I put him into bed, but nothing other than letting him cry has resulted in SLEEP.  (Holding him or rocking him only results in him waking the second I put him down.)   In the rare instances he wakes in the night (2-3 times/month), my husband can instantly soothe him and have him back in bed in less than 2 minutes while any attempt on my part results in either an extremely drawn out process or him screaming himself back to sleep.) 
I should also say that his separation issues have escalated dramatically in the last 6 weeks, prompted by some family visits, a change in part-time caregiver and an attempt to have him attend mother's day out (since aborted).  Recognizing the stress this has likely caused him, I have attempted to create as stable and predictable environment for him as possible but he still screams anytime I leave him (even if it is just to go to the bathroom.)  I am attempting many of the things in Tracy's book (and other books) but have always been stumped as to what to do with my child at bedtime as nothing I do seems to calm him or soothe him (coming back in just escalates things and how won't lie down so i can pat him or even stop screaming if I pat his back while he is standing up and clutching me.)  PLEASE HELP!

Offline becky1969

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Re: Screaming himself to sleep
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 21:56:06 pm »
Oh love, this must be so stressful for both of you.  Can I ask a few questions?

*What personality type is your son, using Tracy's toddler personality quiz?
*Have you ever left overnight or longer without child?
*How long has the screaming gone on? And I'm unclear as to whether he's always been this upset around you at sleep time?
*What are you doing during the day to help with SA?
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

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Offline zachymom

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Re: Screaming himself to sleep
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 00:24:31 am »
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. 
a) He scores equal parts textbook and spirited (8 of each)
b) Yes - i have been away from him multiple times for multiple nights with no issues (most recent - 5 nights in July and 7 nights in June)
c) There has always been some crying involved, but after some improvement it has gotten steadily worse in the last 6-8 weeks.  While I admit that our bedtime process has not been going as smoothly as it once did, he generally glides through it with no problem and then acts completely shocked and furious when we get to the part where he gets in his crib.  (Tonight he actually hit me.)
d) I have been trying to hang back and do other things while he is playing on his own.  I have been doing the same at the park as he has always been a bit shy.  I've also been trying to leave him on his own for 5 minutes at a time or so (telling him I will be right back) at home but that only seems to work when he is completely engrossed in something and has sister is nearby.  (today i was able to prepare dinner but I fear that was because he was engrossed in his sister's TV program.)  Otherwise, he cries as though his life is going to end and tries to tear down the safety gates (at which point I take him with me and give him something to entertain him nearby to what I am doing.)  When I leave the house (i have a PT nanny approx 10 hours a week - which is down from 25/30 hours in the summer) he has been screaming like a banshee but tending to settle down in about 10 minutes.  However, yesterday he cried off on and on the 3 hours I was gone. 
Sorry if this is TMI!
Appreciate your time and insight.

Offline becky1969

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Re: Screaming himself to sleep
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2009, 22:35:26 pm »
I have a touchy child who also has a lot of trouble separating.  In your case I can't quite tell if it's a separation issue that's constant due to a personality issue, or if this is a situational thing or attention getting problem.  Have you noticed any other unusual behaviors? for instance, does he have trouble touching certain textures or accepting new foods? Is he socially shy or resistant to touch from strangers or even familiar friends and family?

I have a feeling your going away isn't as 'without problem' as you thought.  A lot of times kids don't show any issues at the time a parent is away, but what happens is they internalize those feelings and it comes out behaviorally later.  For example, I took my son on a trip away from home leaving DH behind for 5 days; he was almost the exact same age as your son (22 mo).  Owen had a great time on our trip, and didn't seem to miss daddy all that much.  HOwever, when we got home Owen lost his little mind anytime Daddy tried to take him in the car -- just to the grocery or whatever.  It was totally out of the blue as before our trip Owen LOVED going grocery shopping with daddy.  We eventually figured out that Owen was worried daddy would take him on a trip without me unexpectedly! He also freaked out whenever he saw suitcases.  It took 6-9 months for us to slowly get him to calm down.

I guess what I 'm getting at is I believe your occasional nights away have taken their toll and have made him both worried that you're going to leave and perhaps a bit angry.  He's not even 2! He's so young that he probably doesn't even understand why he feels the way he does.

I think one thing I might do is stretch out his wind down ritual a bit more.  Make sure the ritual is EXACTLY the same every night so that the moment for sleep isn't a surprise.  Make it a big longer than you have been, perhaps ending with you hanging out by his crib or bed, talking about his day, singing a song, telling a made-up story in which he is the star.  Just something that is very upbeat and loving to prolong your time together in a positive way.  Also, you might want to start giving him lots of warnings for when bedtime ritual is going to happen -- at our house we set the timer on the microwave for "Last 5 minutes" so that Owen knows he has 5 more minutes of play.  Then during your bedtime ritual you might say "Ok, after bath we are going to read stories and cuddle and then it will be time to sleep!"  and then "After stories we will cuddle and then it is time to sleep!"  "After our cuddle it will be time to sleep!"  just so he has verbal warnings of what is to come next and how far he is from the sleeping part of it.

I also want you to start verbalizing "Sometimes mommy goes into the other room, but she always comes back!" This may seem silly, but hearing this over and over makes them start ot believe it so that they don't get the same panicked feeling whenever mommy leaves.  At night time I want you to also say something right before you leave that goes a bit like "It's time for ____ to go to sleep now.  Mommy is just going to be in her room sleeping too.  If you need her she will always come back.  And then when you wake up in the morning we'll have a big hug and kiss to start our day! Mommy will see you in the morning! I love you!"  In other words remind him that you are just down the hall or whatever and that you will always be there for him if he needs you.  That is to this day my son's favorite phrase from our wind down, and he will offer up himself "Mommy comes if I need her!"  because it's such an important concept for him.  Sounds like your son needs this reassurance as well.

Then, I think it's important to watch your behavior when he has his meltdowns/fits because of being separated from you.  We want to offer him love and reassurance, but we also want to make sure we're not rewarding negative behavior.  I wnat you to start 'catching him doing something right'.  In other words, if you go in the other room to do laundry and he behaves well you need to really celebrate it when you come back.  "Wow! You're such a big boy! Mommy went in the other room and you just played like a big boy! Well done sweetheart!" then lots of hugs and kisses.  When you are leaving and he pitches a fit you need to make sure that you have a calm expression while you handle it.  So you give him hugs and kisses and say "You know mommy loves you no matter what.  But mommy has to go now.  I know you will have lots of fun with Nanny.  I'll see you soon! *hugs, kisses*"  Very positive, but without any emotion or "Oh honey, poor dear.  I know this hard..." etc. etc.  You wil behave as if it is no big deal for you to leave because you come back.  Then when you do come back you'll say "mOmmys back! See! Mommy ALWAYS comes back! I love you and I'm proud of you for being so big while I was gone!"  You might even want to give him a sticker when you come back so that he associates mommy leaving with getting a small reward when she comes back.  Even if he cries when you leave give him a sticker when you come home and praise him for being a big boy.  

As for independent playing, that's a bit tough because he's STILL rather young.  You might be expecting a little too much from him.  He's a boy and i"m afraid they tend to enter the independent play stage a bit later than girls do.  They are SO dependent on mommy's for approval and affection.  Tehy really need us! So what I would suggest instead is to try involving him more in what YOU'RE doing -- have him 'help' with dinner (we got my son something called the "Learning Tower" so that he could safely stand at the counters without worry of him getting hurt), help with laundry, help dust the furniture or 'sort socks' (he'll just mash 'em around, but it will keep him busy!).  Have him participate in what you're doing and he'll be so happy! You can also get him started playing with something, and have him do it near you  -- like give him some playdough to work while you are making dinner.  Talk and interact with him while you're doing 2 different activities.  I think if he senses you are trying to make him play independently it will get him worried that you are about to abandon him by going off somewhere.  So involve him! He will slowly become more independent with time.  He's just too young right now to be very good at it.  But there's a million ways to make him a part of what you're doing so that he's happy AND you're getting stuff done.

Some kids just don't do well with separation.  I have one of those.  We took it slow and i must say that has paid off a million times over.  My son is nearly 4 and started preschool this fall.  It was his first time being away from me with strangers.  We've had babysitters etc., but most of them sit while I"m home working so he's never truly away from me.  But after a hard first 5 minutes of school he's done fantastically well! And I truly think it's because I never forced him to do more separating than he was ready for.  

I'm hoping that extending wind down and giving him more time to transition that bedtime will go well.  Some kids just don't transition well; these children also tend to be the ones who have trouble separating! I think the two go hand-in-hand.  So, give him a longer wind down and verbally and audibly provide him cues as to how close sleep time is.  Give him longer time with you prior to leaving his room to adjust to the idea that it is time to separate for sleep.  And I think that will go a long way towards helping this.  I suspect the reason all of this is directed at you is linked to your going away overnight several times in his life.  Yes, he can handle it when you're gone.  But it's taken away his surety that you will be there when he wakes up.  So, he's afraid to say goodnight for fear that when he wakes up someone else will be there.   I think that is reasonable given his experience, so let's talk to him and reassure him that mommy is going to be there, no worries.  Verbalizing is so helpful because they really believe what we say.  I think if you put words to his worries it will help take the burden off his shoulders.

HTH! And let me know if you put any of these ideas to work and how you get on!  :)

Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline zachymom

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Re: Screaming himself to sleep
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2009, 03:31:24 am »
Thank you for all the useful information and insight.  I put my little man (Zachary) to bed before reading this, but I did stretch things out a bit with him and that did seem to help.  He cried for about a minute (maybe less?) and then settled right down.   Will definitely try to give him even more time to wind down - particularly as I have noticed how much my 100% spirited 4 year old is getting him wound up during and immediately after their joint bath.  Plus talk him through things a lot more than I have been. 
While you are probably right about my trips causing him to panic (fortunately, i only have one, one-night trip planned in the next several months), as I've thought more about things and how things might look through his eyes and the timing of his increasing anxiety there may have been a "perfect storm" of changes that have really thrown him for a loop.  His Dad's travel has ramped up considerably (gone probably 85% of the time over the past 2 months - weekends, too), his nanna was here for 5 weeks and then suddenly "disappeared" and then his summer nanny (who he spent 25 hours/week with) went back to school - and all of this happened at the same time (late August).  Plus, his mom made the problem worse by trying to start him at mother's day out (which I have since pulled him out of.)  I could definitely see why he might be panicked about me suddenly disappearing and all these major changes at once!  Good news is that we are now spending more time than ever together 1:1 and I've been taking him to a music class and the playground on a regular basis - as long as he can see me, he seems to be getting more and more social and adventurous.  (to answer your initial question - he is a bit shy, but is a very affectionate child and frequently blows kisses and gives hugs to family and friends.) 
Will definitely focus on talking him through things and giving him as much reassurance and time as possible.  Will post some updates as we progress.  Thanks so much for the insight and thoughtful response and suggestions!  More soon. . .

Offline becky1969

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Re: Screaming himself to sleep
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2009, 22:27:25 pm »
Excellent! I think you'll make quick progress now that you have an awareness of the source of some of the problem.  Attention to  his feeling of security will soon bring things to rights.

Can't wait to hear how it goes!  :)
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!