Is it a common thing for babies to go regress in their solid food intake?
DD was a great eater, loved her solids, loved the process of spoon-eating. We introduced solids from around 5 months and she did fab with it. She had a cold about 3-4 weeks ago, and since then has hardly eaten any solids.
Some days she will take 2 spoonfuls, other days she may eat half of a portion at one mealtime and a spoonful here and there for other mealtimes.
She is taking 3 x 6oz and 1 x 8oz milk (7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm) and her solids times are approx 7:30am, 12noon and 5pm.
I spoke to our health visitor who isn't concerned - I guess I'm not either as she isn't grumpy or anything, therefore I just assume she is eating what she needs. I just find it odd! Is this a common thing?