Author Topic: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?  (Read 2446 times)

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Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« on: October 22, 2009, 23:55:54 pm »
OK, I've done the maths - i have not been able to resettle my 8w LO after he wakes from his short naps (30m - 1hr 5m) SIXTY THREE times in a row (ever since we started EASY). Each time we play the resettle dance, it involves upwards of an hour of screaming and crying.

I literally cannot do it anymore.

He sleeps well in a sling. Should I pop him in there to finish his nap and it's time for his next feed?

Taking it one day at a time.

Offline Tweakster

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 12:59:30 pm »
Hi there, at 8 weeks I would say go for it.  It's survival at that point.  He sounds OT which is just compounding his difficulty getting through the transitions, napping is a very developmental thing.   How are your nights?

Anyway, let him get some sleep, you get some rest & downtime and you can tackle sleep training when you feel ready.
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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 03:31:43 am »
I would accept the 1 hour 5 min nap as a full nap though. It may have been that he was UT prior to that nap in which case he wouldn't resettle because he'd had enough sleep.

Good for you for trying to extend each of those 63 naps. If he wakes up unhappy at this age and you are unable to resettle (which I would try first) then go ahead and put him in the sling but if he wakes up happy after a 45 min or longer nap then I would just get him up and get on with your day. Keep the following A time fairly short. Feed early if you need to and then go for the next nap. 



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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 08:35:29 am »
I would say do whatever you need to do to enjoy some time with your lo - it can get to the stage where all we are thinking about is naps!!  Yes, EASY is fab, and it helps in the long term - but your baby is still so little, and there is plenty of time to help him fully learn independant sleep - but when they are so small they also have other needs mixed in - needing to be close to you etc.  I would think as long as he's sleeping for the majority of his naps in his cot, then it is not going to hurt to have him sleep in the sling sometimes.  If you are stressed about naps this is not going to help either of you in the long term. 

You don't get this newborn time back - so just roll with it  :) :) :)

Claire x

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2009, 17:28:46 pm »
Sorry to hijack this post..but Im in a similar situation with my 10 day old DD. Is it OK for her to sleep an entire nap in the sling, or on me? or in my bed? are these OK methods..because as you say it is survival at this point.?
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Offline brenda2

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2009, 22:02:08 pm »
At 10 days of course it is ok!  They sleep so much and so often at this age. I'f every nap was in the bed you'd never leave the house. Just introduce sleeping In the crib swaddled once or twice a day so she gets used to the idea. The earlier you start the easier but don't worry too much about it yet really. 


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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2009, 22:18:15 pm »
I feel better now....i'm a bit ball of stress I think....trying not to accidental parent...but maybe its too early to worry about that.
Thank you...:)
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Offline brenda2

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2009, 03:38:47 am »
I know how you feel. We did lots of AP with dd1 and started bw at 3 mo so with dd2 I was determined to not do that. So I started on day 1 doing naps in the crib but she still had a lot of naps out of the crib in the stroller or carrier because I just had to get out of the house to keep dd1 entertained. I just made sure that when I was home the baby slept in her crib and that that happened at least once or twice a day. As a result the baby learned to go to sleep really well fairly early on. Yours will too because you are aware of the bw techniques and conscious of starting with good sleep habits. But it doesn't have to be perfect andfor every nap just yet!  Enjoy the new baby!


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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2009, 04:05:20 am »
If it helps, my 8 mo DS used to take 1-2 naps a day in my baby carrier when he was a newborn.  Mostly because I needed to get out of the house!  When he did sleep in his crib, though, I spent a lot of time using the BW shush-pat method.  I did this from the very beginning.  He's a fabulous independent sleeper now.  I always got nervous that he was sleeping in the carrier too much.  Looking back, I wish I would have taken him out MORE in the carrier and let him sleep there!  I think at that young age, you really should take advantage of the fact that they'll sleep anywhere.  Even at this age, he still sometimes sleeps in my carrier (which is tremendously helpful when I can't get home in time for his nap and he's really tired).  Now he'll only sleep 30 minutes or so in the carrier (normally sleeps 1 1/2 hours for naps), but when he was a newborn, he would sleep for hours and hours in there :)

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2009, 04:20:35 am »
I have a question about that too!!!  my 10wk old is in the same situation where I'm able to get her down in her crib to sleep initially for ~30-40' then she wakes and I'm always having trouble resettling her so I end up either carrying her or putting her in the sling to extend naps.  my question is for how long would I be able to do this before it'll become a bad habit.  Can I do this beyond 3months?

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2009, 12:59:08 pm »
Is she crying when she wakes up from her 30 min naps?  If not, I would leave her there and she if she'll fall back asleep.  My DS would often wake up early from naps at that age - and would also wake up at 5am.  But if he wasn't crying, I would leave him there (sometimes for up to an hour).  Eventually, he learned how to get himself back asleep.  But if she's crying, I would try to extend the nap by doing the shush-pat method exactly how Tracy describes it in the BW books.  I would sometimes do this for an hour or so.  Sometimes, he would fall back asleep and sometimes not.  I always tried first to resettle my DS while he was in the crib.  But if he got hysterical, I would pick him up.  I was very consistent and patient and I think it paid off.  But if your DD is getting no sleep, I think it's fine if you carry her at this age to extend naps.  10 weeks old is still so young!  Beyond 3 mo, though, might make it more difficult in the long run for both of you. 

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2009, 13:01:33 pm »
So helpful! Thank you :)
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Offline mjjm

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2009, 05:51:09 am »
yeah, most of the time she's fussing or crying of us to go to her.  I sometime wait a little if it's not a strong cry but she never return to sleep.  In fact, all of her naps are <45' long if I don't help her to extend them.  I've been shh patting to extend her naps but me too has had min success.  I could be doing it for >1hr and she's still only in light sleep.  When did your lo start to show improvement?  I'm getting discouraged and not sure what to do...

Offline nossi

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2009, 12:57:27 pm »
it took a couple of months before my lo was consistent in being able to get himself to sleep.  by 2 1/2 or 3 mo, i think we started to do a lot less shush patting.  at that point, he would mantra cry for a little while and it would take him anywhere from 20 min to an hour to get himself to sleep on his own.  then it just kept getting better and better.  at 8 mo, now i just put him in his crib, walk away and he falls asleep in less than 5 min.

but i should mention that there were definitely naps where he just kept sleeping and i would have to wake him up after two hours (especially when he was a little newborn).  my lo has always been a sleeper and was never content after a 45 min nap. 

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Re: Is babywearing to extend naps AP?
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2009, 23:30:05 pm »
Short naps are a big problem for a lot of people. They can also be developmental between 3-6 mo. My lo can put herself to sleep independently and we have no props but we are still struggling with short naps. I think for us it's a combination of her being a short napper and developmentAl problems too.

When she wakes early fom her nap you can try to shh pT her back down but if she wakes happy it mY be that she was UT or is a short napper.