Author Topic: stressed out with day time naps!  (Read 810 times)

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Offline Mandy456

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stressed out with day time naps!
« on: November 01, 2009, 21:26:08 pm »
My little boy is 6.5 months old and I was having issues with him spitting his dummy out during sleep and waking crying to have it put back in!  I have taken the leap of going cold turkey and he has been without his dummy for almost two weeks now and is doing really well, he is not missing it during the day at all but it is difficult to get him to settle for day time naps without it and is up twice during the night for night time feeds.

I have tried doing the pdpu technique which is working really well for putting him to bed at night but not for day time naps.  I have tried to replicate the night time setting keeping the room dark, giving him a bf first, putting his mobile on etc and I have sub his dummy with a blanket and little toy.  but nothing is working he screams and sobs  :'(  for well over an hour before crying himself to sleep and then he only sleeps for 15/20 mins, the pupd just seems to infurate him and I am not sure what to do next.

6.30am - bf
7am - 8am - play time with dad and usually another bf
8.15 - breakfast
10am - breastfeed (usually falls asleep nursing 15 / 20 mins)
10 - 12pm - activity
12pm - lunch and activity
1pm - naptime (bf, story and bed - he crys for over an hour and then sleeps for only 15 / 20 mins)
3pm - breastfeed
3.30pm -5pm - activity
5pm -6pm dinner and breastfeed
6.30 - 7pm bath, bf, story and bed
11.30pm - sometimes has a bf
2am - night feed
5am - night feed

Any advice would be greatly appreciated  :) i'm getting really emotional about all the crying and upset and am about to give up!

Offline anna*

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Re: stressed out with day time naps!
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2009, 21:38:36 pm »
Hun, from your routine above it looks like he's getting only 2 x 15-20 mins naps per day, is that right?

I would try putting him on a good EASY routine that will mean he gets plenty of daytime sleep. He's away for a really long time before bed, and it's that overtiredness which is making it so hard for him to settle. At this age, an 'ideal' EASY routine would be something like this:

6.30am awake and BF
7.30am solids
9am nap 1.5hrs
10.30am awake and BF
11.30am solids
1.15pm nap 1.5hrs
2.45pm awake and BF
4pm solids if you are doing 3 meals a day already
5.30pm catnap 20 mins
5.50pm awake
6.15 start bath and bedtime routine, last BF
7pm asleep for the night.
10.30pm dreamfeed

Offline Mandy456

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Re: stressed out with day time naps!
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2009, 17:06:24 pm »

Thanks anna

I tried this routine this morning once i read your email, he has had 2hrs 8-10am, another two hrs 12-2 and he is asleep now.  There were only a few tears and he just amused himself in his cot until he dropped off, nothing like the huge tantrums we were having before!  lets hope this is not just a fluke and he keeps this up  :D

thanks again

Offline anna*

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Re: stressed out with day time naps!
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2009, 17:19:09 pm »
Hey that is great!! Well done!! ;D