I am confused about how to put my DD down awake during the day. I did pu/pd for her night time sleep and I am thrilled to say she finally started sleeping all night
So I would love to get her naps in order. I just feel like there is NO WAY she would settle during the day because it's lighter in the room and she is not quite as exhausted as she was at bedtime. I also have a 3 year old home with me so I can't stand in the baby's room doing pu/pd and shhh/pat for hours.....
Any advice? Should I just stick with the nursing if it works? I'm afraid it will stop working and I will be left hanging....
The room is as dark as it can get and she has a fan for some white noise. Her schedule looks like this:
7:15ish up and nurse
8 breakfast
9/9:30 nap #1
I know this one is too soon but if I put her down before I get DD2 she sleeps for 1.5 hours! If she sees her sister before her first nap she usually only will sleep 30 mins from being overstimulated. I have tried wind down but I can't spend too much time with her alone while my older child roams free!
11am nurse
1pm lunch
2pm nap #2
3:30pm nurse
4:30 nurse
5:30 dinner
6pm nurse
6:30 bottle (4oz eBM) [I try to really load her up before bed time]
7pm bed
for the past 2 nights she has slept through the night! Hoping that lasts!