So a typical feed for my 7 week old can take up to one hour (plus maybe a diaper change within that time frame or after). Then the activity time, which he loves for 30- 45 ish minutes. He does not instinctively start to fall asleep, so we put him on our forearm with his face down, which seems to be the most calming for him...... but even if he does fall asleep on us or in the bassinet, it is almost time to eat again. Now if he does fall asleep, I let him sleep (I don't feel the need to wake him), but the challenge is, if he is having a hard time falling asleep, and is really upset... I am now trying to sort out if he is tired or hungry, or tired and hungry, as we are now at the 2.5 hour mark or close to the 3 hour mark. So he feeds and has no nap.... frequently he won't for 2 cycles in a row.
How do I help him to get the sleep he needs??? His sleep is also interrupted by cramps? / wind/gas - when he cries out and gets very upset and needs settling. Sleeping or not these episodes frequently happen 30 -45 minutes post most feeds lasting 2- 10 min, it seems.
Now at times he will go 4 hours bw feeds because he is sleeping and he will sleep and goes 5-6 hours bw feeds on the first stretch, and then 3 hours on the next. So logically I know he is not starving all of the time.