Vikki- You are a genious. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
The links were fabulous. I studied them last night and had my plan of action for this morning. DS woke up at 5:30. Not unusual, but this time I didn't offer the breast to send him back to sleep. He stayed in his bassi next to me holding hands and sucking his fingers, mine, and a paci I found. He had never used a paci until this a.m. He was able to make it until 7. I nursed at 7 and then started EASY from 5:30. WD at 7:15. Asleep at 7:50 on his own- no props or AP anymore
. I opted for wake to sleep and at the 35 min. mark went in. I touched his cheeks, he stirred.... 5mins later, the jolt. I caught it just in time by putting pressure on his chest. Thank goodness he didn't open his eyes because knowing him, he would have started chatting and smiling. He's been asleep now for 1.5 hrs. He had not done this since he was 2 months old. I'm a HAPPY HAPPY mom.
It's been a lot of hard work, but all worth it. We've connected deeper and now I know much better how to distinguish his cues and cries. Also, from the links I realized that I was perhaps OT him during A time by doing too much and not easing into the sleep transition. It's hard to manage with 2 under 2, but today we've started on the right foot! Now, with the paci thing I hope I don't start another AP
He's very good at using his hands, but still doesn't have the powerful sucking of a thumb. I noticed that if the paci fell, he would get upset and increasing his fuss and cries. Any ideas here?
Our night also went well. He was asleep on his own at 7, DF at 10, I DF again at 1:30 to phase out the 2:00 feed, E 4 and WU at 5:30. If I could just successfully phase out the 2 feed and nurse at 4 or 5, provided that he doesn't have and EW, he would be in business....hahaha....