Ok, so for the past few months I have been feeding my now 9 month old daughter every 4 hours. Her schedule looks like this:
7:30 - wake/bf
8:30 - solids
9:30 - 11ish - nap
11:30 - bf
12:30/1 - solids
2:30 - 4/4:30 - nap
5:30 - solids
7:00 - bath/bottle
7:30 - bed
Just the past week or so she has lost interest completely in her 11:30am feed? If she does drink, she drinks very very little and absolutely refuses to go back on. She usually just suckles until my milk comes down and then pulls off refusing to go back on. I've tried waiting until 12:30 (right before lunch) to bf her, this worked the first time, but now she's back to refusing it again. I've also tried cutting back a bit on solids but this doesn't seem to be helping. I am not sure what to do because I've been reading that she still needs 17-24 ounces of milk at this age and I don't think she's getting that much. She drinks a 6 ounce bottle before bed, and for her 7:30 and 4:30 bf she only drinks for about 5-7 minutes. Now with her refusing her mid-morning feed, I am worried she is not getting enough milk. I'm not really sure what to do...??