Most kids tend to eat what their body needs. Sometimes we think they need more, and some kids live on air. My SIL's DD eats hardly anything in comparison to my DD especially!
Just keep watching throughout the day and see how she is going, I would suggest she's getting all her food early in the day. This was proven to me recently, with both DD and DS starting to refuse lunch and dinner and getting pickier about what was in those meals. So I cut their snacks back by at least half and hey-presto they are eating big meals again.
I had to feed DS up, so snacks were big in particular for him to fatten up again. Now I could see his needs were less when he halved his normally big breakfast and refused dinners. Cutting back the snacks back to normal levels worked a treat.
I read a fantastic book which talked about eating and kids from age 9 months to 9 years. I discussed the different types of eaters. Some kids are foodies and enjoy food more, some kids are grazers - hate sitting down, some kids are picky and have less food needs. The key is to work within those frameworks and
DD is a foodie, always ate well, but it stressed me no end when she asked for food all day (all sorts of things going through my mind, was she hungry, was she bored, had i unintenionally taught her the bad habits my mum taught me, lots of emotional stuff for me). We talked about eating when hungry and listening to our body, which foods makes us have more energy and which ones make us feel yukky if we eat too much.
But the best thing by far was to offer her a sweet a day. She has a box in the cupboard (all individual portions of small sweets - smarties, or lollypop)and she can eat her sweet anytime. The first day she ate it straight after breakfast and asked for another one in the afternoon! Now half the time she forgets they are there, and she's stopped asking for food all day. It was about power. She used to eat amazing amounts of food at parties, eating so much. But it was because she had control over the food.
DS is a grazer. He is the absolute happiest when wandering around the house with something to eat in his hand! Was great for regaining lost weight, but now we are back to normal, I kind of need to make sure he's quite hungry for a meal at his hairchair before starting. And not letting him fill up on biscuits while waiting for dinner.
Anyway, long story short, LOL, each kid has different food styles, we can only work into them rather than change them.