Author Topic: 7 mth - strong gag reflex, doesn't like lumps - HV says give finger food ????  (Read 2936 times)

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Offline mellyD

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Hi all,

Just had Health Visitor round for 7mth check - she said my LO should be experimenting with Finger Foods. The thing is she gags and is sick with just lumps so I haven't even contemplated Finger Food out of fear of choking. - Anyway when she left I tried her with some really soft toast cut up - and sure enough it seemed to get stuck and she was sick. After being upset at seeing her struggle to get it up I am now upset cos seems she isn't progressing well with the lumps.

Really don't feel confident in giving her it at all - she is my 2nd baby and don't remember feeling this scared with DD1 - Any help appreciated


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Hmm, I'm not sure about the being sick  :-\ ???.  Does she actually gag and then vomit like stuff is coming out of her stomach, or just gag and spit out what she was eating?

The gag reflex in babies is VERY sensitive, so it is a safety mechanism to ensure they do not choke.  It can look very dramatic, but when they are gagging this means that their body is doing the *right* thing and is not anything it itself to worry about. 

We weaned ds straight away onto finger foods after reading up a lot about baby led weaning (there is a sticky thread on this board about's quite 'mainstream'!!), where we skipped purees altogether and always gave ds foods he could pick up himself.  The trick is that they have to be the right sort of foods, particularly when they first start - otherwise it can be quite hard for the lo's to eat properly.  So ideally food should be able to be 'gummed' to a pulp so they can eat it easily, shaped like a fishfinger(!) so they can hold it easily and chew off the right amount, and also obviously healthy!  We found that soft toast or bread made ds gag as it got too 'thick' in his mouth - whereas more crunchy toast did not. Things like sweet potato cut up and roasted, or any veggies cooked until soft are great.  Half a roasted apple or pear is great (i even used to microwave them....and let them cool for *ages* - but just to soften them).  There are lots of ideas on the thread mentioned before. 

We never had any problems weaning this way - and in fact the one and only time we have a worrying incident was when we gave ds a jar of lumpy baby food (as I had been given one)....and he almost choked.  Whereas when he was eating his finger foods he was more in control and knew the texture of the food in his mouth and how much he had to chew it before swallowing. 

HTH, and I'm sure you'll get some great advice on this board

Claire xx

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Actually both Claire and Stacy gave you great advice. I can see bread causing a lo to choke up, I remember as a child scooping out the dough from a new loaf of bread when my parents were not looking, rolling it up hard into a big ball, and eating it. It can thicken up hard!

I would continue offering finger foods for your lo to get used to textures and picking up foods, 7-8 months is prime time to introduce these and if a lo goes past 8 months without texture it might be more difficult to get them used to foods that are not pureed. You can steam up lots of different veggies to soften them up and cube them or cut them longer to fit in lo's palm, as well as soft fruits, pasta, etc.
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Offline mellyD

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Thank you everyone, feeling better about things today and am armed with confidence and some foods to try tomorrow - I will keep you posted.

I think sometimes sleep deprivation and a toddler who is mis behaving can make you feel emotional about the slightest things ::) I will keep you posted and will be back for more advice no doubt