Author Topic: 12 month with NW and not sure what to do. Help!!!  (Read 704 times)

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Offline lukemom

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12 month with NW and not sure what to do. Help!!!
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:41:02 am »

We've graduated to the toddler boards!!!  Anyways, Ds is now 12 months old and for the past week or so we have been getting atleast one NW a night.  I'm not sure what is waking him, but now DH and i have become a prop (i think)  When he would get up, I go in there and after addressing the usual culprits (wet diaper, teething pain)  I would pick him up and hold him cause he would not settle otherwise.  Then while in my arms he would cry and wiggle unless the light was on.  When the light is on, he is fine, no crying, just calm, this is why I think that we are props. So last night I did not turn the light on when he woke, but still picked him up and held him.  He cried for a few then settled and then I continued to hold him until he was asleep and then back to bed, I do this often but not all the time.  Sometimes I can get him to settle by winding his little music doggie, giving him a kiss and leaving the room.  HE will cry for a few minutes, but then goes to sleep.  This is usually after an hour of being up so Ithink he is just tired and falls asleep.

Here is our routine lately

awake @730 and breakfast
930 bottle
nap 11-1130
lunch around 12ish, bottle later
pm nap 230-400
supper around 5
bath around 7
bottle at 730
bedtime at 745.

Not sure why he is getting up, but I am getting tired and can't sleep myself.  So what kind of BW techniques can I use to help him settle back to sleep without these long drawnout NW?


Offline deckchariot

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Re: 12 month with NW and not sure what to do. Help!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 20:32:08 pm »
welcome to the Toddler boards :)  I'd agree with you that you are a this age, we generally recommend either wi/wo or gradual withdrawal:  to break that AP habit.

In terms of why he's waking - is he waking screaming or just messing around or just fussing?  That sometimes helps to narrow the potential reasons.  Is he teething?  How long has he been on the routine you posted?  It could be time to switch up the routine and move closer to just one nap.  Is he walking?  Have his language skills made a big jump?  All of these things can affect sleep.
