I would try weaning the DF as Paula suggested. Tracy suggests doing in in 3 day increments and adding an oz to the first feed of the day when you take an oz away from the DF and moving it 30 mins earlier. After 3 days do the same again, add an oz and take away an oz and move it 30 mins earlier.
The other thing I noticed is you don't have quite a 12 hour day which may be causing the wakings too - maybe they are a bit under tired
. My DD is about 7.5 months too and her A time is quite a bit longer than yours. Our day is variable depending on when her brother wakes her up
but is roughly
7 - wake, eat *bottle 4oz, 1 hour later solids*, activity + bath & dressed
10 - 12 sleep
12 - wake, eat *solids*, activity *bottle before nap 4-6oz*
3 - 4 (30) sleep
4 Wake, activity *solids about 5pm*
6.30 bath then bedtime *bottle 6-7 oz*
7 sleep for night.
She has reflux and we have problems getting milk in her which is why her day milk intake is less then average for this age. We don't do a DF and she does wake anywhere between midnight and 5am, downs a 7oz bottle and goes straight back to sleep. She will sometimes have a short morning sleep and a longer pm sleep but I keep her A to 3 hours (sometimes a bit longer).
If you think it could be tiem to extend the A times, do it slowly by adding 10 or so mins to each time for a few days, then add again.
What do you think?