Hi everyone,
We have been struggling with numerous NW since my son started rolling over from tummy to back at 6 months. He has also since cut two teeth and I made the mistake of dropping the dream feed abruptly. Before this he was an angel, perfect naps, sleeping through the night, etc. He was a preemie so his activity times have always been lower than the average with good naps, and night sleep. Over the past few weeks I've increased his A time to 2.5 hours and am working this week on increasing to 2.75 hours. He is on 3 solid meals a day in addition to about 32oz of formula. I have reinstated the dream feed.
At this point, my guess is that the night wakings are due to OT. I'm confused about if and how to fit in a catnap when his A time isn't quite 3 hours. Do you include a catnap if the A time is not quite 3 hours and if so, when? There doesn't seem to be time for one but without one I feel like I would be putting him to bed too early if I put him down for the night 2.5 hours after his afternoon nap. Without the catnap and with a longer A time I feel like he is overtired by bedtime. Here is an example from yesterday.
7:15am Awake, feed, activity, etc.
9:45am Nap
11:30am Awake, feed, activity, etc.
2:00pm Nap
3:30pm Awake, feed, activity, etc.
6:30pm Bed for the night
Last night I think he woke up about 4 times between 6:30pm and 11:00pm and then 3 or 4 times before I woke him up at 7:00am. I usually put him to bed at 7:00pm and wake him up at 7:00am but I tried the earlier bedtime last night to see if it would help. It still seemed too long after his PM nap but a little early for bedtime.
Thanks in advance for your time and help!